Page 525 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 525
Electric Piston Ring Filer Tapered Ring Compressor
PFM66765 PFM67445
Set piston ring gaps quickly and Lightweight aluminum ring compressor
accurately. Electric piston ring fi ler is features a tapered bore, easing the installation
powered by a 12 volt, rechargeable of pistons into the cylinder bore. Designed for
battery. Includes two 120-grit grinding engines with 4.030" bore size.
wheels and battery charger.
Part No. Description Magnetic Deck Bridge
PFM66762 Replacement Grinding Wheel
Compatible with cylinder bores up to
Manual Piston Ring Filer 4.500", tool is used to check piston-to-
File piston rings quickly and precisely. deck clearance. Dial indicator not included.
Part No. Description
PFM66785 Manual Piston Ring Filer Heavy Duty Rod Splitting Fixture PFM66773
PFM66786 Replacement Carbide Wheel
Designed for use with a bench top vise, heavy duty tool
allows quickly separating con-
necting rods without damaging
Billet Aluminum Piston Ring them. Simply loosen the rod nuts,
Squaring Tool place the rod onto the splitting
Constructed from clear anodized billet alu- fi xture, and pull the handle.
minum, tool allows precisely measuring piston
ring end gap. Offered for a variety of popular Connecting Rod Vise PFM66769
bore sizes.
Heavy duty aluminum construction vise holds
Part No. Description
PFM67653 Piston Ring Squaring Tool, 4.400”-4.640” connecting rods securely, necessary when
PFM67654 Piston Ring Squaring Tool, 4.240”-4.380” removing or installing bolts, or performing
PFM67656 Piston Ring Squaring Tool, 4.000”-4.230” machining. May be secured in a bench vise or
permanently mounted.
Piston Ring Squaring Tool Connecting Rod Balancer
PFM67652 PFM66844
Tool allows installing rings squarely in the Fixture allows weighing the big and
cylinder bore for precise ring end gap measure- small ends of connecting rods sepa-
ment. Works with all cylinder bores. rately. Sold complete with (2) mandrels
to fi t most popular engines. Typically
used with digital or mechanical scale
(not included).
Piston Ring Tension Measurement Tool
Specialized tool allows measuring
piston ring tension in the cylinder Rod Bolt Stretch Gauge PFM66788
bore in order to achieve maximum Tighten rod bolts properly and with precision.
engine performance. Tool fi ts Position tool on the bolt to measure bolt stretch
2.377”-6.250” cylinder bores and during tightening. Works with bolts up to 2.75" long.
utilizes a digital, 0-12 lb. gauge with 0.1 oz. of resolution. Sold
complete with gauge, (2) expandable piston ring platforms in a
foam-lined hard shell case.
Adjustable Ring Compressors
Tapered, anodized aluminum ring compressor
eases piston installation.
Oil Pump Primers
Part No. Description
PFM66766 Adjustable Ring Compressor, 4.000"-4.090", Blue Prevent “dry starts” by priming
PFM66767 Adjustable Ring Compressor, 4.125"-4.205", Gold the oil system of popular V8 en-
PFM66768 Adjustable Ring Compressor, 4.205"-4.310", Red gines through the distributor hole
with use of a 3/8” electric drill.
Adjustable Tapered Ring Compressor PFM67655 Part No. Description
Stainless steel tool features a tapered bore PFM66896 Chevy, All V6/V8
that eases the installation of pistons into the PFM67566 SB Ford 260-302, 1/4” Hex NEW!
PFM67567 SB Ford 351W; Ford 351C, 351M-400; BB Ford 429-460, 5/16” hex NEW!
cylinder bore. Adjustable design works with
most bore sizes.