Page 523 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 523
Self-Powered Timing Light Valve Lash Wrench Set
PFM67414 T-handle and wrench set eases valve lash
Simple, one-wire hook-up eases the set- adjustment, while cutting adjustment time
ting of ignition timing. Sold complete with in half. Each set includes special adjustment PFM66778
(2) D-size batteries and built-in fl ashlight. wrench and T-handle allen wrench.
Part No. Description
PFM66778 1/2" Wrench With 3/16" And 1/8" T-Handle Wrenches
7/16" Wrench With 1/8" T-Handle Wrench
Adjustable Aluminum PFM66779 9/16" Wrench With 3/16" And 7/32" T-Handle Wrenches
AN Wrenches PFM66781 5/8" Wrench With 3/16" And 7/32" T-Handle Wrenches
Adjustable wrenches prevent damage
to costly aluminum AN fi ttings. Offered in GM LS Gen. IV Engine Lift Plate PFM67459
standard or stubby models, wrenches are Engine lift plate, which installs in
anodized for durability. PFM67722 place of the intake manifold and
Part No. Description valley tray cover, allows eased
PFM67722 Adjustable Stubby Wrench Set, Includes PFM67723 And PFM67724 engine removal or installation.
PFM67723 Adjustable Stubby Wrench, -3AN To -8AN Heavy duty steel lift plate includes
PFM67724 Adjustable Stubby Wrench, -10AN To -20AN three attachment points to provide desired
PFM67727 Adjustable Wrench, -3AN To -8AN tilt. Fits all LS Gen IV, 2006-16 engines.
PFM67728 Adjustable Wrench, -10AN To -20AN
PFM67729 Adjustable Wrench Set, Includes PFM67727 And PFM67728
GM LS Valve Spring Compressor
AN Hex Wrench Set PFM66978 Tool mounts directly to GM LS cylinder
Specifi cally designed for use heads and allows compressing two valve
with aluminum AN fi ttings, springs at once for eased valve spring
removal or replacement. Choose from heavy
wrenches prevent fi ttings from duty steel or billet aluminum versions.
becoming damaged. Eight-
piece, color-coded set includes Part No. Description
GM LS Valve Spring Compressor, Purple Anodized Aluminum
-3, -4, -6, -8, -10, -12, -16 and PFM67603 GM LS Valve Spring Compressor, Black Finished Heavy Duty Steel
-20 wrenches.
Heavy Duty Valve Spring Compressor
No-Mess Funnel PFM68068
Funnel features a ball-n- Heavy duty tool eases cylinder
hook design that retains head teardowns. Valve spring
excess fl uid when lifted, pre- compressor works with even the
venting spills. stiffest of springs and includes
an adjustable compressor arm,
allowing compatibility with virtu-
Jet Installation Tool ally any cylinder head. Choose
PFM67469 from tools with blue or silver powdercoated fi nish.
Handy tool allows installing Holley carburetors jets without Part No. Description
damaging them. PFM66764 Heavy Duty Valve Spring Compressor, Silver Powdercoated
PFM66832 Heavy Duty Valve Spring Compressor, Blue Powdercoated
Universal Oil Filter Cutter Pneumatic Valve Spring Compressor PFM66849
PFM66490 Cut cylinder head disassembly or assem-
Spot engine problems quickly. bly time in half. Pneumatic tool build 350
Precision tool locks down the oil fi lter, allowing it to be rotated lbs. of force with 125 PSI of compressed
and cut open for inspec- air. Tool features an adjustable arm to
tion. work with most cylinder heads, while
the locking pin mechanism offers
Dual Gauge rapid installation.
Leakdown Tester
PFM66839 Stud Mount Valve Spring
Check piston ring, valve and head gasket seal. Includes fl ex
hose and spark plug adapters. Compressor PFM66784
Quickly remove valve springs from assem-
bled engines with 3/8" or 7/16" rocker studs.
Pinion Setting Tool
Universal tool allows measuring
pinion depth of most popular rear
ends. Sold complete with precision
dial indicator.