Page 612 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 612

Clip-On Wire Separators                           Multi-Purpose Tool
           Tough nylon separators withstand tem-            TAY43390
          peratures up to 400°F and are available for         Multi-purpose tool will cut,
          7-8mm and 10.4mm spark plug wires. Choice         strip and crimp all popular
          of four colors. Each kit contains two 4-wire      primary wire. Made of high-
          separators, two 3-wire separators and two         carbon steel, it will crimp both 7mm
          2-wire separators.                                and 8mm spark plug wire ends.
          Plug Wire Size  Black  Red     Yellow     Blue                                                TAY48100
            7- 8mm    TAY42800  TAY42820  TAY42840  TAY42860
            10.4mm    TAY42809  TAY42829   —      TAY42869  Aluminum Battery Boxes
                                                              Three-piece, .040" aluminum boxes
          Clamp Style Wire Separators                       meet SFI 8.1 specifications and are
           Separates, organizes and supports                required by NHRA and IHRA when
          ignition wires for a neat, or-                    there is no firewall between the driver
          ganized job. Molded from                          and the battery. The 100 Series box
          non-conductive type 6/6                           accepts most large automotive batter-
          nylon, separators will not                        ies; 200 Series box fits Optima red and yellow top, Odys-
          melt, mar, distort, crack or                      sey PC1500, and most group 34/78 and 75/25 batteries; the 300
          fade. Available to fit 7-8mm and “409" 10.4mm wire sizes. Choice   series fits Odyssey PC925 and PC1200 batteries. Boxes include
          of three colors. Each kit contains two 4-wire separators, two   hold down and mounting hardware.
          3-wire separators and two 2-wire separators.        Part No.               Description
            Plug Wire Size  Black      Red        Blue       100 Series Aluminum Battery Boxes
              7-8mm      TAY42700    TAY42720    TAY42760    (13.5" L. x 9.5" W. x 10" H.)
              10.4mm     TAY42709    TAY42729    TAY42769    TAY48100                Battery Box
                                                             TAY48101          Battery Box And 2 Gauge Cable Kit
          “T" Clip “409" Wire Separators TAY42609            TAY48103          Battery Box And 1 Gauge Cable Kit
           Each clip separates two “409" Pro                 200 Series Aluminum Battery Boxes
          Race Wires in tight-fit areas for neat,             (11.25" L. x 9.5" W. x 8.75" H.)
          tangle-free rout ing. Four clips per               TAY48200                Battery Box
          package. Easy installation.                        TAY48201          Battery Box And 2 Gauge Cable Kit
                                                             TAY48203          Battery Box And 1 Gauge Cable Kit
          Wire Markers                                       300 Series Aluminum Battery Box
                                                             (9.5" L. x 8.25" W. x 7.75" H.)
           Identify spark plug wires
          quickly. Offered in clip-on or heat                TAY48300                Battery Box
          shrink versions, kits are for use
          with 7-10.4mm plug wire. Each                     Trunk Mount
          kit includes (2) sets of numbers,                 Battery Kits
          1 through 8.                                        A trunk mounted battery will
           Part No.               Description               improve weight distribution and
           TAY41058    Shrink Sleeve Wire Markers, Black With White Numbers  traction while reducing front end
           TAY41060     Clip-On Wire Markers, White With Black Numbers  weight and engine clutter. Kits
                                                            include pre-terminated ends, 2
          Spark Plug Boot Protectors                        gauge, 100% solid copper cable,            TAY48000
           Universal fit plug boot protectors are 6          battery tray(s), 3/8" J-bolt hold downs and hardware. Single or
          inches long and withstand temperatures up         side-by-side, dual battery kits are available.
          to 1200°F.                                         Part No.               Description
                   1 Per Pkg.   8 Per Pkg.                   TAY48000  Single Battery Kit (16' Cable, Single Battery Tray And Hold Down)
           Description  Part No.  Part No.                   TAY48500 Side-By-Side Dual Mount Kit (17' Cable, Two Battery Trays And Hold Downs)
             Silver  TAY2523  TAY2524
             Black    —     TAY2560
             Red      —     TAY2562                         Ground Strap TAY20314
             Blue     —     TAY2566                           Typically run from the engine block to frame or firewall for a
                                                            good ground source.  Four-gauge braided cable is 14" long and
          Professional Crimp Tool                           includes ring-style terminal ends.
           Tool uses a positive ratch-
          eting system to pro-                              Master Disconnect Switch
          duce factory quality                              TAY1032
          crimps on spark plug                                Two-post switch is rated at 180 amp
          wire terminals. Crimp                             continuous capacity and provides a direct
          dies may be purchased separately                  power shut-off for entire electrical system. Required by NHRA/
          and used to cut and crimp traditional wire terminals.
                                                            IHRA on any car quicker than 9.99 E.T. and all cars with trunk
           Part No.               Description               mounted battery.
           TAY43400            Professional Crimp Tool
           TAY43401     Crimp Die, Cuts 10-22 Gauge Insulated Terminals
           TAY43402    Crimp Die, Cuts 10-22 Gauge Non-Insulated Terminals
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