Page 617 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 617
MPZ Spray Lube MPZ Magnetic Friction Re duc er
A complete engine and mechanical component as- Magnetic friction reducer oil additive with MPZ
sembly lubricant in an easy to apply aerosol formula. provides excellent wear protection and helps in-
Product combines anti-wear, anti-friction and anti- crease horsepower and torque. Sold in 12 oz. bottle
shock additives for added protection. Completely oil or a case.
soluble, MPZ Spray lube is sold in 12 oz. aerosol cans, 12 oz. 1 Case (12)
or in cases. Bottle 12 oz. Bottles
TRCA010011LE TRCA010011L
12 Oz. 1 Case (12) 12 Oz.
Aerosol Can Aerosol Cans * Signifies MPZ-O2 Catalytic Converter Safe Oil Additive.
TRCA560000ME TRCA560000M
MPZ Engine Assembly Lube ZEP High Performance
MPZ is a concentrate of oil Engine Protector
soluble mo lyb de num, phos- Supplemental engine oil additive, ZEP (Zinc
pho rus and zinc, fortifi ed with Enhanced Engine Protector) includes a balance of
poly mers and a high polarity molybdenum, phosphorous and zinc, additives that
phosphorous to create a magnetic attraction to metal. Use MPZ to have been recently removed from all API SL and SM
pre-lube cylinders, pistons, wrist pins, cams, lifters, etc. Sold in 1 motor oils. Sold in 12 oz. bottles or a case.
oz. tubes, 12 oz. bottles, or in cases.
12 oz. 1 Case (12)
1 Oz. 1 Case (48) 4 Oz. 1 Case (12) Bottle 12 oz. Bottles
Description Tube 1 Oz. Tubes Tube 4 Oz. Tubes TRCA010033LE TRCA010033L
Tube TRCA550055HE TRCA550055H TRCA550055JE TRCA550055J
12 Oz. 1 Case (12) Accelerator
Description Bottle 12 Oz. Bottles
12 Oz. Bottle TRCA550055KE TRCA550055K Accelerator has the ability to quickly transform pre-
mium unleaded pump gas to closely resemble racing
MPZ Engine Assembly Lube HP fuel. Fuel additive can raise octane up to 105, while
improving effi ciency and adding horsepower. Won't
A heavier version of the harm O2 sensors or catalytic converters. Sold in 32 oz.
original MPZ Engine Assembly bottles, or in a case.
Lube with higher load carrying
ability and extended lube 32 Oz. (12) 32 Oz. Bottles
fi lm protection. Delivers added protection to cam lobes, lifters and TRCF500010TE TRCF500010T
other valvetrain components. Completely oil soluble. Sold in 1 or 5
oz. tubes, or in cases.
1 Oz. 5 Oz. (12) 5 Oz. Tubes
Tube Tube Case
TRCA380000HE TRCA380000QE TRCA380000Q
Racing Batteries
Up to 20% lighter than traditional lightweight batteries, Total Power Racing Batteries are not
only lightweight, but also feature exceptionally low resistance for improved starting power and
faster recharging time. Batteries feature AGM construction for superior shock and vibration
resistance, while utilizing a non-spillable, maintenance free design. Hand made in ISO 9001:2000
certifi ed facilities, each battery is fully charged and tested prior to shipment.
Cranking Amp Hrs.
Part No. Description Amps CCA @ C/20 Rate Weight Dimensions
TPBTP1200 12-Volt AGM Battery 1200 700 36 24 Lbs. 7.75” L x 5.25” W x 6.875 H
TPBTP1500 12-Volt AGM Battery 1500 800 57 31 Lbs. 9.875” L x 5.25” W x 6.875 H
Racing Battery Boxes Universal Battery Box Adapter Brackets
Lightweight and durable, TIG-welded from Brackets allow installing a Total
16-gauge mild steel, Racing Battery Boxes weigh Power battery into an existing
just 1-1/2 lbs. Offered in upright or laydown battery box. Simply remove the
versions. angle style hold down from the
Upright Laydown box and replace it with the proper adapter bracket.
Description Part No. Part No. Part No. Description
Battery Box For TPBTP1200 TPBBB12 TPBBB12LD TPBAB12* Battery Box Adapter Bracket For TPBTP1200
Battery Box For TPBTP1500 TPBBB15 TPBBB15LD TPBAB15 Battery Box Adapter Bracket For TPBTP1500
*Also requires use of 1/2” aluminum angle to prevent battery shifting.