Page 616 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 616

TR-1R Racing Oil                                  ATF Synthetic Automatic
           TR-1R oils reduce friction, wear and deposits    Transmission Fluid
          for longer engine life, and are formulated for all   A synthetic blend that is specially formulated
          4, 6 and 8 cylinder high performance engines.     for racing and high transmission temperatures.
          Lightweight 10W40 and 20W50 oils add 8 to 12      ATF also reduces fluid friction for smoother
          more horsepower and up to 40% more wear           clutch lock-up, and more power efficiency. One
          protection than other oils of equal viscosity. The   liter bottles or a case.
          60W oil delivers maximum wear protection for          1 Liter      1 Case (12)
          prolonged high temperature operation. Sold in         Bottle      Liter Bottles
          liter bottles or a case. Non API certified.         TRCA220085CE   TRCA220085C
                      1 Liter   1 Case (12) Liter
           Description  Bottle  Bottles
            10W30  TRCA141030CE  TRCA141030C
            10W40  TRCA141040CE  TRCA141040C                MTF Petroleum Base
            20W50  TRCA142050CE  TRCA142050C                Manual Transmission Fluid
             60W   TRCA140060CE  TRCA140060C                  A low viscosity petroleum based fluid for
                                                            manual transmissions. Provides reduced gear
          SR-5R Synthetic Racing Oil                        and bearing wear, reduced frictional drag and
           SR-5R racing oils are formulated with a bal-     smoother shifting. One liter bottles or a case.
          anced blend of high performance additives             1 Liter       1 Case (12)
          in clud ing liquid moly, phos pho rus and zinc to      Bottle       Liter Bottles
          provide su pe ri or pro tec tion from friction, wear   TRCA200022CE  TRCA200022C
          and ex treme pres sure. Synthetic racing oils
          will with stand tre men dous heat and provide a   RTF Racing
          thick pro tec tive oil film on bearings, crank-    Manual Transmission Fluid
          shafts, pistons and valve train parts. Sold in      Specifically engineered to reduce fluid drag,
          liter bottles or a case. Non API certified.        while increasing power efficiency in racing
                      1 Liter   1 Case (12) Liter           manual transmissions. Engineered for applica-
           Description  Bottle  Bottles                     tions that typically use SAE 75W-90, 80W-90 or
            0W20   TRCA150020CE  TRCA150020C
            5W30   TRCA150530CE  TRCA150530C                90W. 100% synthetic fluid includes load-car-
            5W30   TRCA150533CE*  TRCA150533C*              rying and extreme wear protection character-
            5W40   TRCA150540CE  TRCA150540C                istics. Meets GL-6 specifications. Sold in liter
            5W40   TRCA150544CE*  TRCA150544C*              bottles or a case.
            20W50  TRCA152050CE  TRCA152050C                     1 Liter     (12) 1 Liter Bottles
          * Signifies catalytic converter safe SR-5R GDL Synthetic Racing Oil.  Bottle  Case
                                                               TRCA220015CE    TRCA220015C
          SR-1R Synthetic Blended Racing Oil
           Specially-blended 100% synthetic oils are
          engineered specifically for racing applications    RGO Racing Gear Oils
          and include Generation-2 MPZ frictional loss        RGO pro vides superior adhesive strength and
          technology combined with proprietary additives.   extreme anti-score pro tec tion. Additives pre-
          SR-1R oils provide increased horsepower and       vent wear and re duce heat, friction and noise,
          torque, while offering improved durability. Sold   while providing pos i tive op er a tion of lim it ed
          in liter bottles or a case. Non API certified.     slip and positive traction dif fer en tials. Sold in
                      1 Liter   1 Case (12) Liter           liter bottles or a case.
           Description  Bottle   Bottles                                1 Liter   1 Case (12)
            5W30   TRCA160530CE  TRCA160530C                 Description  Bottle  Liter Bottles
            5W50   TRCA150550CE  TRCA150550C                   80W90  TRCA248090CE  TRCA248090C
            10W30  TRCA161033CE  TRCA161033C                  85W140  TRCA248514CE  TRCA248514C
            10W40  TRCA161044CE  TRCA161044C
            20W50  TRCA162055CE  TRCA162055C
                                                            SGO Synthetic Racing Gear Oils
          TBO Premium Break-In Oils                           Torco synthetic hypoid gear oils provide maxi-
           Hydro-processed petroleum base stocks are        mum protection and per for mance under the
          engineered to aid break-in of camshaft and        most de mand ing con di tions. Gear oils exceed
          lifters and promote ring seating. A high zinc     all re quire ments for wear pro tec tion while
          content protect critical engine components        reducing fric tion and temperatures. Sold in liter
          during initial start-up. Oil is ideal for breaking in   bottles or a case.
          engines prior to switching to synthetic oils. Sold            1 Liter   1 Case (12)
          in liter bottles or a case. Non API certified.      Description  Bottle  Liter Bottles
                     1 Liter  (12) 1 Liter Bottles             75W90  TRCA257590CE  TRCA257590C
          Description  Bottle    Case                         75W140  TRCA257514CE  TRCA257514C
            30W    TRCA100030CE  TRCA100030C
            40W    TRCA100040CE  TRCA100040C

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