Page 618 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 618

Gapless AP Steel Top Ring                         AP Steel Gapless Second Ring
          File-Fit Piston Ring Sets                         File-Fit Piston Ring Sets
           Identical to the below sets but with the AP (Advanced Profiling)   File-fit, eight cylinder piston ring sets
          steel top rings. AP rings include extremely tight tolerances for im-  include AP steel top rings, Gapless
          proved combustion sealing. Eight cylinder, file fit ring sets include   second rings and standard tension oil
          AP gapless top rings, conventional second rings, and standard   rings. Includes complete instructions
          tension oil rings. Instructions for file-fitting included.  for file-fitting.
            Bore    Gapless  Conventional  3-Pc.  Ring Set      Bore   AP Steel  Gapless  3-Pc.     Ring Set
             Size   Top Ring  Second Ring  Oil Ring  Part No.   Size   Top Ring  Second Ring  Oil Ring  Part No.
            4.030"  1/16" AP  1/16"    3/16"   TOTMS3690-35*   4.310"   .017"    1/16"    3/16"    TOTTS1702-65
            4.030”   .043”   .043”    3.0mm    TOTMS0010-35*   4.500”   1/16”    1/16”    3/16”   TOTTS9190-255
            4.125"  1/16" AP  1/16"    3/16"   TOTMS0690-5*    4.600"   .043"    1/16"    3/16"    TOTTS4309-5
            4.155"  1/16" AP  1/16"    3/16"   TOTMS0690-35*
            4.165"  1/16" AP  1/16"    3/16"   TOTMS0690-45*  TS1 Gapless Second Ring
            4.375"  1/16" AP  1/16"    3/16"  TOTMS9190-130*
            4.500"  1/16" AP  1/16"    3/16"  TOTMS9190-255*  File-Fit Piston Ring Sets
            4.562"  1/16" AP  1/16"    3/16"   TOTMSL9130-5*  TS1, eight cylinder sets use conven-
            4.600"  1/16" AP  1/16"    3/16"   TOTMS9150-5*
          * Piston ring sets with low tension oil rings for drag racing only!  tional ductile iron top rings, gapless
                                                            second rings, and standard, low tension, or Gold Power low ten-
                                                            sion oil rings. Complete instructions for file-fitting included.
          Gapless Top Ring                                     Bore   Ductile Iron   Gapless    3-Pc.    Ring Set
          File-Fit Piston Ring Sets                            Size  Top Ring  Second Ring  Oil Ring  Part No.
           Independent dyno tests proved that the Total Seal gapless top   3.815"  1/16"  1/16"  3/16" (Low)  TOTTL7255-35*
                                                                                        3/16" (Low)
          ring sets can deliver more horsepower and torque than conven-  4.000"  1/16"  1/16"  3/16"  TOTT3690-5
          tional piston rings. Eight cylinder, file fit ring sets include gapless   4.020"  1/16"  1/16"  3/16"  TOTT3690-25
          ductile iron top rings, conventional second rings, and standard or   4.030"  5/64"  5/64"  3/16"  TOTT9090-35
          special, low tension oil rings. Instructions for file-fitting included.  4.030"  1/16"  1/16"  3/16"  TOTT3690-35
            Bore    Gapless  Conventional  3-Pc.  Ring Set    4.030"  1/16"    1/16"  3/16" (Gold Power)  TOTTG3690-35 †
             Size  Top Ring  Second Ring  Oil Ring  Part No.  4.030"  1/16"    1/16"      1/8"     TOTT0390-35
            3.815"  1/16"    1/16"     3/16"   TOTML7255-35   4.040"  1/16"    1/16"     3/16"     TOTT3690-45
            4.030"  1/16"    1/16"     3/16"   TOTM3690-35    4.040"  1/16"    1/16"  3/16" (Gold Power)  TOTTG3690-45 †
            4.030"  1/16"    1/16"   3/16" (Low)  TOTML3690-35*  4.060"  1/16"  1/16"    3/16"     TOTT3690-65
            4.030”  1.5mm    1.5mm    3.0mm    TOTMG2010-35†  4.060"  1/16"    1/16"  3/16" (Gold Power)  TOTTG3690-65 †
            4.030"  .043"    .043"  3.0mm (Low)  TOTMG0010-35 †  4.125"  1/16"  1/16"    3/16"      TOTT0690-5
            4.040"  1/16"    1/16"     3/16"   TOTM3690-45    4.125"  1/16"    1/16"  3/16" (Gold Power)  TOTTG0690-5 †
            4.040"  .043"    .043"     3mm     TOTMG0010-45 †  4.135"  1/16"   1/16"     3/16"     TOTT0690-15
            4.060"  1/16"    1/16"     3/16"   TOTM3690-65    4.145"  1/16"    1/16"     3/16"     TOTT0690-25
            4.060”  .043”    .043”    3.0mm    TOTML0010-65*
            4.060"  .043"    .043"    3.0mm    TOTMG0010-65*  4.155"  1/16"    1/16"     3/16"     TOTT0690-35  †
            4.080"  1/16"    1/16"     3/16"   TOTM7590-45    4.155"  1/16"    1/16"  3/16" (Gold Power)  TOTTG0690-35
            4.125"  1/16"    1/16"     3/16"    TOTM0690-5    4.155"  1/16"    1/16"      1/8"     TOTT1003-35
            4.130"  1/16"    1/16"     3/16"    TOTM7560-5    4.165"  1/16"    1/16"     3/16"     TOTT0690-45
            4.155"  1/16"    1/16"     3/16"   TOTM0690-35    4.165"  1/16"    1/16"  3/16" (Gold Power)  TOTTG0690-45 †
            4.155"  1/16"    1/16"   3/16" (Low)  TOTML0690-35*  4.285"  1/16"  1/16"    3/16"     TOTT9190-35
            4.165"  1/16"    1/16"     3/16"   TOTM0690-45    4.310"  .017"    1/16"     3/16"     TOTT1702-65
            4.285"  1/16"    1/16"     3/16"   TOTM9190-35    4.315"  1/16"    1/16"     3/16"     TOTT9190-65
            4.310"  1/16"    1/16"     3/16"   TOTM9190-65    4.315"  1/16"    1/16"  3/16" (Gold Power)  TOTTG9190-65 †
            4.310"  1/16"    1/16"   3/16" (Low)  TOTML9190-65*  4.355"  1/16"  1/16"    3/16"     TOTT6490-35
            4.350"  1/16"    1/16"     3/16"   TOTM9190-105   4.375"  1/16"    1/16"     3/16"     TOTT9190-130
            4.375"  1/16"    1/16"     3/16"   TOTM9190-130   4.425"  1/16"    1/16"     3/16"     TOTT2690-65
            4.375"  1/16"    1/16"   3/16" (Low)  TOTML9190-130*  4.445"  1/16"  1/16"   3/16"     TOTT9190-195
            4.500"  1/16"    1/16"     3/16"   TOTM9190-255
            4.500"  1/16"    1/16"   3/16" (Low)  TOTML9190-255*  4.500"  .017"  1/16"   3/16"     TOTT1702-255
            4.530"  1/16"    1/16"     3/16"   TOTM9190-285   4.505"  1/16"    1/16"     3/16"     TOTT9190-255
            4.562"  1/16"    1/16"     3/16"    TOTM9130-5    4.530"  .017"    1/16"     3/16"     TOTT1702-285
            4.600"  1/16"    1/16"     3/16"    TOTM9150-5    4.535"  1/16"    1/16"     3/16"     TOTT9190-285
          * Piston ring sets with low tension oil rings for drag racing only!    4.567"  1/16"  1/16"  3/16"  TOTT9130-5
          † Piston ring sets with Gold Power low tension oil rings for drag racing only!  4.600"  1/16"  1/16"  3/16"  TOTT9150-5
                                                              4.600"  .043"    1/16"     3/16"      TOTT4309-5
                                                              4.605"  1/16"    1/16"    3/16" (Low)  TOTTL9150-5*
          Dual Gauge Leakdown Tester TOT14MMLDT               4.625"  1/16"    1/16"     3/16"      TOTT3340-5
           Locate leaking head                                4.750"  1/16"    1/16"     3/16"      TOTT1601-5
          gaskets, valves or piston                         * Sets with low tension oil rings are for drag racing only!
          rings. Tester has large,                          † Sets with Gold Power low tension oil rings are for drag racing only!
          easily read gauges, a
          14mm hose and an ad-
          justable left hand gauge
          with precise regulator.

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