Page 622 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 622
SB Ford Twisted Wedge SB Chevy Gen. III GenX
Street/Strip Cylinder Heads Street/Strip Cylinder Heads
An improved combustion cham- Increase the performance of GM LS-
ber design rotates valves over the series engines. GenX aluminum cylinder
center of the cylinder bores for heads have a 15° to 13.5° reduction in valve angle to reduce
optimum valve angles, locations valve shrouding and increase mid-lift air fl ow. Heads are CNC-
and chamber shape. Aluminum heads are ported and include 1.300" dual valve springs and titanium retain-
fi tted with 2.020" intake and 1.600" exhaust valves, intake valves ers. Available for LS1 and LS2, in pairs, completely assembled.
that do not require fl ycutting of pistons. Choose as-cast, 170cc, Intake Comb. Valve Int. Exh.
or CNC-ported 205cc intake ports. Sold in pairs, completely as- Part No. Description Runner Chamber Spring Valve Valve
sembled. GenX LS1 1.300"
TRFTFS-3061T001 220cc 64cc 2.040" 1.575"
Intake Comb. Valve Int. Exh. Cyl. Heads Dual
Part No. Runner Chamber Spring Valve Valve TRFTFS-3061T001-C01 GenX LS1 215cc 64cc 1.300" 2.040" 1.575"
TRFTFS-51410004-M61 170cc 61cc 1.460" Dual 2.020" 1.600" Cyl. Heads Dual
GenX LS2 1.300"
TRFTFS-3061T001-C02 225cc 65cc 2.055" 1.575"
Ford Modular 4.6/5.4L Twisted Wedge Street/ Cyl. Heads Dual
Strip Cylinder Head TRFTFS-51910001-M38 BB Chrysler PowerPort
Twisted Wedge 185 series cylinder head includes
relocated combustion chambers and intake Street/Strip Cylinder Heads
valves that dramatically increase PowerPort cylinder heads for big
mid-lift air fl ow, while providing block Chrysler combine an opti-
added piston-to-valve clearance mized runner design with fully
and valve-to-bore clearance, CNC-machined runners and com-
allowing higher lift cams and bustion chambers. Manufactured
large valves without the need from premium A356-T61 alumi-
for machine work. Head fi ts all num, heads include strengthened
2V Romeo and Windsor engines, rocker shaft bosses, improved rocker shaft oiling and clearance
and is fully compatible with all OE-type camshafts, followers, lash for 3/8” pushrods. Fully assembled heads include 2.19” intake
adjusters, valve covers and most front covers. Sold each as a fully and 1.76” exhaust valves, dual valve springs, chromoly retainers
assembled cylinder head. and steel valve locks. Fully compatible with all OEM-style pistons,
roller rocker arms, intake manifolds and headers. Sold each.
Intake Int. Exh. Valve Comb. Cham.
Description Runner Valve Valve Spring Volume Intake Int. Exh. Valve Comb. Cham.
Assembled Cyl. Head 185cc 1.840” 1.450” .940”/1.050” 38cc Part No. Description Runner Valve Valve Spring Volume
TRFTFS-61617801-C00 240cc 2.190” 1.760” 1.550” 78cc
BB Ford PowerPort Cyl. Head
Street/Strip And Race Cylinder Head TRFTFS-61617802-C00 Assembled 240cc 2.190” 1.760” 1.460” 78cc
Cyl. Head
Add signifi cant horsepower and Cylinder Head Accessories
torque to Ford 429-460 engines. Part No. Description
PowerPort aluminum cylinder TRFTFS-306SB601 GM LS Steam Line Plumbing Kit, Black Nylon Braided Hose
heads include Fast as Cast 290cc TRFTFS-31500811* SB Chevy Valve Cover Adapters, Centerbolt, Increases Height, Pair
intake runners, 130cc exhaust ports, TRFTFS-51400265 SB Ford Thermactor Plugs, Used To Plug A.I.R. Passages, Each
SB Ford Cast Aluminum Valve Covers, Black, Pair
2.200" intake and 1.760" exhaust valves. Sold per pair, fully as- TRFTFS-54400111 BB Ford Intake Manifold, For ProPort 340cc Or 355cc Heads With
sembled. Heads have no provision for EGR. 4500 Flange
Intake Comb. Valve Int. Exh. TRFTFS-61600613 BB Chrysler Rocker Arm Shaft Studs, 3/8” Dia., 10-Pack
Part No. Runner Chamber Spring Valve Valve * Requires narrow-body rocker arms.
TRFTFS-53410001 290cc 74cc 1.460" Dual 2.200" 1.760"
SB Chevy Ultra 18° 250 Race Cylinder Head
TRFTFS-3181T001-C01 SB Ford EFI Intake Manifolds
Engineered for high RPM drag
Trick Flow Specialties offers a full
race engines, Ultra 18° 250 cylin- complement of EFI manifolds for small
der heads provide more horse- block 5.0L Fords, each designed to offer
power out-of-the box than fully a superior balance of low-end torque
prepped OEM style, 23° heads. and high RPM power for a specifi c com-
Aluminum head includes CNC- bination. Choose from manifolds with
profi led combustion chambers and competition ported runners for silver or black powdercoated fi nishes.
maximum fl ow. Head accepts most 18° intake manifolds, headers
and related components. Requires offset shaft-mounted rocker Description Engine RPM Range Part No. Part No.
arms and mechanical roller camshaft with offset intake lifters. StreetBurner
Intake Int. Exh. Valve Comb. Cham. Intake Manifold 5.0L Idle-5,500 — TRFTFS-51511001
Description Runner Valve Valve Spring Volume Track Heat 5.0L 1,500-6,500 TRFTFS-51500002 TRFTFS-51511002
Assembled Cyl. Head 250cc 2.150” 1.600” 1.560” 56cc Intake Manifold
NOTE: Manifold installation requires a calibrated mass air or adjustable
fuel injection computer, aftermarket fuel rails, and adjustable fuel pres-
sure regulator to operate properly.