Page 627 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 627
Cheetah SCS Shifter Cheetah Extreme Action “800 Series"
Popular Cheetah SCS shifter of- Valve Bodies For
fers “touch command" shifting Chrysler Torqueflite
with precision gating for proper
engagement of each gear. Includes Extreme Action “800 Series" Valve
safety park position and reverse lock Bodies, engineered exclusively for 1966-
out. A simple two finger maneuver is 90 Chrysler Torqueflite 727/904/998/999
all that’s required to move the shifter transmissions, feature fully manual con-
into reverse or park. Shifter is accepted trol with no automatic features, eliminat-
by NHRA/IHRA and includes a Morse shift ing the need for passing gear linkage.
cable. A built-in control switch may be used to activate trans- Choose from full manual or tranz brake valve bodies. Each valve
brake, line lock or nitrous. body is sold complete with pan gasket and instructions.
Part No. Description
Part No. Description
Pro Street/Race Manual Valve Body,
Chrysler 1966-Up, TUR17875XA
Torque Command 727, 904, 998 And 999 Standard Shift Pattern, Low Band Apply
Race Manual Valve Body,
Cheetah SCS Shifter With Black Gate Plate, Control Switch And Park/ TUR17880XA*
TUR70001B Standard Shift Pattern, No Low Band Apply
Neutral Start Switch, Fwd. Or Reverse Pattern
Tranz Brake Valve Body,
Cheetah SCS Shifter With Black Gate Plate, Control Switch And Park/ TUR17899XA*
TUR70011 Neutral Start Switch, Reverse Pattern Only With Dual Shift Air Shifter Reversed Shift Pattern, No Low Band Apply
Capabilities * Designed for drag racing only; not for street use.
Ford C-4 And C-6
Cheetah SCS Shifter With Black Gate Plate, Control Switch And Park/ Cheetah Manual/Automatic Valve Body
Neutral Start Switch, Fwd. Or Reverse Pattern
Cheetah SCS Shifter With Black Gate Plate, Control Switch And Park/ For Chrysler Torqueflite TUR17676
TUR70013 Neutral Start Switch, Reverse Pattern Only With Dual Shift Air Shifter Choose between full
Capabilities manual control or automatic
GM Aluminum Powerglide, operation with positive shifts
TH-200, 250, 350, And 400 and stock shift pattern. Valve
Cheetah SCS Shifter With Black Gate Plate, Control Switch And Park/ body fits all ‘66-91 Chrysler
Neutral Start Switch, Fwd. Or Reverse Pattern Torqueflite 727/904. Retains
Cheetah SCS Shifter With Black Gate Plate, Control Switch And Park/ factory passing gear linkage.
TUR70012 Neutral Start Switch, Reverse Pattern Only With Dual Shift Air Shifter Includes valve body assem-
Capabilities bly, pan gasket and complete instructions.
Cheetah SCS Shifter Accessories Cheetah
Manual Valve Bodies
Full manual control only
with no automatic features.
Eliminates passing gear link-
age and/or vacuum modulator.
Positive shifts for maximum
performance. Available in stan- TUR17156
dard or reverse shift patterns
for most popular transmissions. Includes valve body assembly,
spacer plate (if required), gaskets and instructions.
Part No. Description
Part No. Description TUR17156 1966-90 Chrysler Torqueflite 727/904, Reversed Shift Pattern (PRN123)
TUR70031A Multi-Use Powerglide/Turbo Shift Lever TUR23253 1969-86 GM TH-350, Standard Shift Pattern (PRN321)
TUR00774 Micro Switch With Stretch Cord TUR24141 1965-87 GM TH-400, Reversed Shift Pattern (PRN123)
Multi-Use Powerglide/Turbo Shift Lever,
Modified For Use With Trans Shield “S-800” Series Torque Converter For Chrysler
TUR70034 Ford C-4 Shift Lever
TUR70050A GM Pan Cable Bracket Torqueflite 727 TUR17805ST
TUR70059A Black Plastic Shifter Cover Engineered for use with 1967-92
TUR70073B GM 3-Speed Reverse Pattern (PRN123) Gate Plate Chrysler Torqueflite 727 transmissions,
TUR70074B Ford Reverse Pattern Gate Plate
TUR70075B GM 2- And 3-Speed Forward/Reverse Pattern Gate Plate high performance “S-800” torque con-
TUR70102 Heavy Duty 5' Morse Shifter Cable verter offers improved acceleration and
TUR70103 Heavy Duty 6’ Morse Shifter Cable reduced elapsed times to street/strip ve-
TUR70104 Heavy Duty 8’ Morse Shifter Cable hicles. Converter, which features a flash
TUR70200A Control Switch For Lift Mechanism, 10 Amp stall speed of approximately 3500-3800
TUR70211 Neutral Safety Switch Kit, GM Or Ford RPM, is manufactured using a furnace brazed pump, TIG-welded
TUR70221 GM Shifter Installation Kit
TUR70226 GM Cable Clamp Kit turbine fins, needle thrust bearings and a chrome moly neck.
Black Plastic Command Center Cover, Note: Engine torque is a factor in determining stall speed of any converter.
TUR70250 The listed stall speed is only approximate. Converter is not to be used if
Includes Push Button Start And Three Toggle Switches
the vehicle is activating nitrous and/or transmission brake.