Page 631 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 631
LSX Motor Mounts For Early GM A/C & Heater Delete Panel
Special, “LSX” conversion motor mounts For GM G-Body UMI3030
allow installing a GM LS engine into older Lightweight aluminum panel installs
muscle cars including GM A, F and G on the firewall, in place of the factory
body. Laser-cut from 3/16” steel, mounts heater box and air conditioning unit,
are sold per pair, finished with choice of saving up to 30 lbs. of critical front
black or red powder coat. Sold complete end weight. CNC-machined, .125”
with mounting hardware. thick plate, which fits all 1978-88 GM G-body (Malibu/Monte
Black Red Carlo/Regal/Cutlass/Lemans/Grand Prix), installs using the OEM
Description Part No. Part No. holes and hardware. Supplied bare with a sanded finish that may
LSX Motor Mounts, 1974-92 F-Body/1978-88 GM G-Body UMI2406-B* — be painted, if desired.
LSX Motor Mounts, 1968-72 A-Body UMI4008-B† UMI4008-R†
* Engineered to work with the OEM LS1 or Holley oil pan. † Engineered to Short Shifter Handles
work with the OEM LS1 oil pan.
CNC-machined shifter handle places the
Solid Aluminum LSX Motor Mounts shifting hand in a more comfortable position for
For GM F-Body UMI2323 shorter, quicker shifts. Compatible with stock
or aftermarket shift knobs, shifter handle bolts
Lightweight, billet 6061 aluminum engine directly to stock or most aftermarket shifter
mounts for 1998-02 GM F-body (Camaro/Fire- bases. Sold complete with necessary hardware.
bird) directly replace the OEM rubber mounts Part No. Description
without any need for modifications. Mounts of- UMI1200 Short Shifter Handle, Billet Aluminum, 1979-2004 Ford Mustang
fer a weight savings of 3 lbs. and are compatible with the OEM K- UMI2105 Short Shifter Handle, Billet Steel, 1993-2002 Chevy Camaro/Pontiac Firebird
member, UMI K-member, and most other aftermarket K-members.
Note: Mounts are compatible with LSX adapter brackets UMI2406.
Tie Rod Adjusting Sleeves For GM
Heavy duty tie rod adjusting sleeves
Solid Motor Mounts For GM F-Body And G-Body directly replace the OEM clamp
Mounts directly replace the OEM style units, easing toe adjust-
rubber mounts in small block ments. Sold per pair, adjust-
Chevy-powered 1974-92 F (Ca- ers are CNC-machined from
maro/Firebird) or 1978-88 G-body solid steel hex and finished in
(Malibu/Monte Carlo/Regal/Cutlass/ durable, black powder coat. Available “HD” versions are manufac-
Lemans/Grand Prix), eliminating tured from billet aluminum.
engine movement for improved Part No. Description
performance. Fabricated from 3/16” UMI2102* Tie Rod Adjusting Sleeves, 1967-69 GM F-Body; 1968-74
CNC-laser cut and 1/4” DOM steel, USA-made mounts feature a GM X- Body; 1965-70 GM B-Body
gloss black powder coat finish. Sold per pair. UMI2103 Tie Rod Adjusting Sleeves, 1964-70 GM A-Body
Part No. Description UMI2103HD Heavy Duty Tie Rod Adjusting Sleeves, 1964-70 GM A- Body
UMI0051* Solid Motor Mounts UMI2104 Tie Rod Adjusting Sleeves, 1969 GM F-Body (11/16” Threads);
UMI0059† Solid Motor Mount Kit 1978-96 GM B-Body
* Block mounts not included. Must be used with OEM block mount or * Some 1969 F-body require UBM2104, which has 11/16” threads rather than
UMI0058 clamshells. † Kit includes both block mounts and solid motor 5/8”.
mounts. Note: Mounts are designed for small block Chevy V-8’s.
Bump Steer Adjuster Kits For GM
LT1 EGR Block-Off Plates UMI2100 Kits are designed to prevent
Kit includes three block-off plates toe changes during suspen-
required to remove the EGR system from sion travel, improving handling
1993-97 GM LS1 engines. Block-off plate and straight line stability.
installation provides a cleaner running, Bolt-on kits relocate the outer
better performing engine, while reducing tie rod end lower than stock,
engine bay clutter. while the stud taper provides
Note: Gaskets are not included, however, high temp RTV sealant is recom- an exact factory fit. Each
kit includes billet, 6061-T6
aluminum toe adjusters, race quality rod ends, 4140 chrome moly
Valve Cover Spacers For GM LS1/LS6 UMI2111 studs and (6) each of shims in .125”, .187” and .250”.
Machined from billet, 6061 aluminum, Part No. Description
valve cover spacers offer extra clear- UMI3060 Bump Steer Adjuster Kit, 1982-92 GM F-Body/1978-88 G-Body
ance for shaft mounted roller rocker UMI4060 Bump Steer Adjuster Kit, 1971-72 GM A-Body
arms, eliminating the need for purchas- UMI4061 Bump Steer Adjuster Kit, 1964-70 GM A-Body
ing tall replacement valve covers. Spac-
ers fit all 1999-2004 GM LS1 and LS6
engines, and are sold per pair, complete
with necessary fasteners and gaskets.