Page 629 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 629
Boost Tee
Model Specifi c Blow-Off Compact, lightweight manual boost controller
And Bypass Valves allows adjusting boost from under the hood. Easy
Easy to install and set-up, dual sequential to install, the Boost Tee features an accurate,
port units deliver quiet operation during mild detent system for boost adjustment. Compatible
with virtually any turbocharged application, unit is sold complete
boost and maximum performance at full boost. with billet mounting bracket. Choose from blue or black anodized.
Sold complete with blanking plug and gasket,
where required. Choose from blue, black or red Description Part No. Part No.
anodized. Boost Tee TBSTS-0101-1001 TBSTS-0101-1002
Blue Black Red
Description Part No. Part No. Part No. Boost Gauge TBSTS-0101-2023
Mitsubishi EVO VI-X — TBSTS-0205-1021 TBSTS-0205-1020
Mechanical boost gauge features a black
Subaru WRX, STi TBSTS-0205-1015 — —
face, bright backlighting, silver bezel and
Mazda CX7, Subaru 0-30 PSI range. Sold complete with hardware
Legacy/Liberty GT TBSTS-0205-1009 — —
required for installation.
Kompact Series Blow-Off And Bypass Valves
Dual Port Universal Fit e-Boost 2
TBSTS-0203-1022 Equally suited to street or strip, e-Boost 2 is
Dual outlet type blow-off valve vents into the a complete boost management system that
atmosphere and back into the intake. Ports provides the ability to control, monitor, map
and compensate boost. Controller allows up
with sequential timing offer quiet operation to six levels of boost, boost on demand and
during normal driving, while vent-to-atmo- adjustable boost levels by time or RPM. May
spheric design is ideal for race conditions. also be used to control water, methanol or nitrous injection, con-
25mm unit may be converted to full atmo- trol shift/warning lights and monitor RPM. Choose from traditional
spheric or full bypass unit by using suppied port 2-5/8" or sport compact 60mm units.
blanking plug. Fits most applications using an OEM
Bosch or Denso bypass valve. Black/Silver 2-5/8" Sport Compact 60mm
Description Part No. Part No.
e-Boost 2 TBSTS-0301-1013 TBSTS-0301-1003
Plumb Back TBSTS-0203-1222
Plumb Back system recirculates all excess Fuel Pressure Regulator
pressure back into the intake only, while TBSTS-0401-1101
maintaining the performance and reliability of
a premium blow-off valve. 25mm unit fi ts most Lighter and more compact than previous
applications using an OEM Bosch or Denso models and suitable for engines with up to
bypass valve. 800 horsepower, Turbosmart’s Fuel Pressure
Regulator features (2) 1/8" NPT inlet ports,
(1) 1/8" NPT return port and an 1/8" NPT
Boost Controllers gauge port. Regulator is fi tted with a premium
Dual Stage TBSTS-0105-1002 diaphragm and stainless steel valve and seat to allow compat-
Suitable for all turbocharged appli- ibility with any fuel including E85. Regulator has a base pressure
cations, dual stage controller delivers adjustment from 30-90 PSI with a 1:1 ratio. lue anodized fi nished.
fast boost response and two adjust-
able boost levels. Sold complete Fuel Pressure Gauge
with Rocket Launcher switch and
necessary hardware for installation. TBSTS-0402-2023
Black anodized. Precision fuel pressure gauge includes a
liquid-fi lled white face with 0-100 PSI range.
An 1/8" NPT fi tting allows direct mounting to
any TurboSmart fuel pressure regulator.