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  Letter from H.E. Talat Xhaferi,
Assembly of the republic of North Macedonia
May 2020
It was with great respect that I have received your letter of Intention to support our state, which together with the world is facing and handling this global challenge in the best possible manner. The challenge unfortunately forced all of us to change our lives, habits and social activities. I also express gratitude for the condolences to the families of those who unfortunately lost the fight, the families who lost a beloved; they are in our prayers.
Dear Mr. AlJarwan, you wish to support the taken measures preventing the spread of the COVID-19 and to be partner in the world assistance is a noble act of solidarity. We wish you success in establishing the taskforce to fight the spread of COVID-19 in the framework of the international Parliament for Tolerance and Peace (IPTP), as well as success in achieving your goals. Each individual , each move and each action is significant in this battle, certainly, if we are united success is inevitable. I express compliments for the intention for initiating awareness campaign “United, we conquer COVID-19”, targeting the new frontline fighters , all family members and the community.
Esteemed, your generous intention for gift is welcomed and I hope that it can be realized through our representative in the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace. We are open for cooperation and certainly for facilitating the procedure if needed, since the coordination and cooperation have irreplaceable role in handling the pandemic. Mr. Aljarwan accept the assurances of my highest consideration and wishes for good health for you, your beloved and all people in the world. I am convinced that we shall emerge stronger from this crisis.
     President of the National Assembly, Ecuador June 2020
Letter from H.E. Cesar Caicedo ,
Today we want to express the gratitude, from the people of Ecuador and its national Assembly, for your contribution of 10,000 surgical masks; a goodwill gesture to attenuate the COVID19crisis in our country.
The assistance has been already delivered to 15 organizations that give care and attention to vulnerable people and has been implemented according to the terms proposed by the GCTP. Your gesture came in a time of need; and was genuinely well regarded. This crisis demands leadership, fraternity and solidarity, among humanity; the structural repercussions of the COVID19 emergency are yet to be distinguished; nonetheless, we trust that kindness shall help us to overcome any future difficulties. We recognize the important tole IPTP has on fostering relief to the communities around the world; thus,
  creating fraternity amongst its people.
Thank you once again. We wish that your excellency, members if the international parliament , GCTP and their loved ones are in good health and hope that we will overcome this crisis as soon as possible.
 Letter from H.E. Mauricio Oliva Herrera ,
President of the Honduran National Congress, Honduras April 2020
Dear President Ahmad bin Mohammad Aljarwan, we would like to thank your trust in this state's power and extend an affectionate greeting and wish you success in the development of each of your activities as the highest authority of such an important organization that has the sole purpose of contributing to achieve a more supportive and tolerant world.
I appreciate your confidence in making such valuable collaboration available to the National Congress with ten thousand (10,000) masks to be able to face the pandemic of the novel COVID-19, which has generated despair and mourning for Hondurans.
As a National Congress we are making an important effort to counter this crisis and the support offered by the GCTP strengthens us and fills us with hope that together we will soon emerge from this crisis.
In relation to the donation of the ten thousand (10,000) masks that he graciously offered us, in cooperation with the Honorable Deputy Rafael Arita Rodriguez, member of the International Parliament of Tolerance and Peace (IPTP), it has been identified that the first needy to receive protection are health workers and it is for them that the following distribution is proposed:
• Four thousand masks (4,000), for the Regional Hospital of Choluteca and different Health Centers, in Choluteca Department.
• Three thousand masks (3,000) for the Hospital de Occidente de Copán and different health centers, in Copán Department.
• Three thousand masks (3,000) for the Mario Catarino Rivas Hospital in the city of San Pedro Sula, in Cortes Department.
Each of the deliveries are made on behalf of the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace (IPIP) with the corresponding registration and communication, which is why we await the procedure by which this important support for Honduras will materialize.
We say goodbye with the gratitude of the Honduran people and express our readiness to continue working together to support the neediest people during this crisis.
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