Page 47 - Business Building Guide
P. 47
Reach More People
The key to customer retention and referrals is building meaningful relationships
beyond the business transaction.
The best way to expand your Names List is to let others do it for you. Get people talking about the oils and the difference
you are making so you can reach more people using the power of community connections.
Ways to Connect:
Ask for Referrals
• Use social media and classes to feature testimonials.
They sell the products, you connect the dots for Most builders tend to enroll their warm market or
the audience. Example: Ask about a favorite oil and have established relationships first. As these early adopters
a giveaway in a thread on Facebook. Or ask for feedback experience your solutions, fall in love with dōTERRA,
on experiences with samples you have given out to try. and thrive as loyal members of your community, they
Either way, capture and share at later times when they serve. become an ongoing source of contacts. Make a list of
• Seek and partner with influencers who love oils and who those you think would love to refer others to you and then:
people trust and follow to connect you with more people. • Ask for referrals and offer a gift in return (optional).
• nvite an expert to add essential oils to their existing services. • Send a thank you card. Include an offer for additional
• Discover new groups and communities, get to know rewards for more referrals.
members, help or volunteer to teach, have a booth at
an event. A. I hope you feel satisfied that I have answered your
questions and provided you with some great solutions.
• Circle back to those who have yet to say yes to a sample I run my business off referrals, and would love, if you feel
or an invitation to learn more, or enroll at a class. comfortable introducing me, if you would refer me to
• Offer classes at a local business. Post flyers. others you know who would benefit from the education
and solutions I provide.
Reach More People Through B. I’m so glad you are loving your oils. I also want you to
Social Media know I have a referral program so if any of your friends or
family also want to try out the oils, you can send them this
Social media can be a powerful tool to reach more people link and when they fill out the form, I’ll send them two free
and expand your influence. Learn how to confidently build roller bottles to try. Make sure they mention you referred
online by tapping into the dōTERRA Social Media Academy. them because for each person who gets started with a kit,
Go to I have a gift for you.
An online form, such as a Google survey,
is recommended to qualify sample recipients.
Empowered Success Business Training System 46