Page 50 - Business Building Guide
P. 50

Present  Host Presentations

          The next step for your prospects, after accepting an invitation to learn more, is to experience a presentation where they catch
          a vision of the life-changing products and income-producing opportunities dōTERRA offers. Make use of your upline for support
          in your first few classes or one-on-ones as you learn to present effectively. As you study the details of successful Intro to Oils
          presentations on the pages that follow, know the context of this training is in a class setting. Adapt what you learn as needed and
          desired to work in a one-on-one or online setting.

          Presentation Options
          Explore multiple effective ways to present the dōTERRA message. Familiarize yourself with the unique benefits of each format
          below and choose the one that best fits your prospect(s) location, circumstances, and schedule.

                              One-on-One                                            3-Way Call

            Creates an intimate and personalized presentation     Provides the support and credibility of your upline
            Bring a class handout, essential oil reference guide, diffuser   Mail or email the class handout in advance.
            (if applicable), oils/samples to share (consider a portable oil   Coordinate the scheduled time between your upline
            sample case), any products that may meet the prospect’s   and prospect.
            needs, etc.
                                                                  Decide in advance who will initiate and lead the call.
            Ask in advance (or early in the presentation) what their gaps,
            needs, or pain points are.                            Make sure everyone has the correct phone number
                                                                  or link prior to the call to avoid delays.
            Use a laptop computer or phone to share video(s) and enroll.

                           Essential Oil Class                                  Virtual Presentation

            Whether held in a home, office, or coffee shop, creating   Zoom calls or Facebook Live/FaceTime are flexible and
            essential oil experiences in a group setting helps create   easy ways to schedule and accommodate long distance
            social proof for followers, in a low-pressure environment.  prospects or more immediate classes or one-on-ones.

            Outline the main benefits of the products and show how   Mail or email the class handout in advance.
            they support wellness.
                                                                  Ensure you and attendee(s) have needed logins, software/
            The goal of a class is to enroll customers so they can get   app and/or link as needed. This mitigates unneccesary
            started, not to teach people everything about the products.  distractions and time wasters.
            Ask questions throughout your presentation and allow   Confirm a time for a follow-up conversation after your
            attendees to answer and share stories.                prospect has attended/watched the presentation.
            Use participants’ names during the presentation to    Invite your prospect to enroll during that follow-up conversation.
            personalize the experience.
                                                                  Optional: Attend with Guests
            Consider recording your presentations to watch later
            so you can perfect your delivery.                     Another option for a prospect to experience an introductory
                                                                  presentation is for you to attend one with them. If possible,
            Pass oils around. Create experiences with the products   arrange to meet beforehand and drive to the event together.
            throughout the class.
                                                                  Help them enroll at the event or follow up and do so within
            Offer oil-infused refreshments after to encourage     48 hours of attending.
            guests to mingle while you answer questions and assist
            with enrollments.                                                    Leverage the Class Planner to create a great
                                                                                   experience for all involved (see next page).

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