Page 44 - Business Building Guide
P. 44

Invite  Invite without Sampling

          There are times when inviting can happen right away, without sampling.

          Use the following scripts to help formulate the right conversations that make way for effective invitations.

          3 Pathways                         Class                               One-on-One

          There are three main ways that I support   Hi Jane! How are you? . . . I’m reaching out   Hi Jane. How are you? . . . I’m reaching out
          my customers on their dōTERRA journey.   to all of my health-conscious friends to   to all of my health-conscious friends and
          The first way is to help you learn how to   invite them to a short wellness workshop   setting up a 30-minute visit to go over their
          use the products, get more education,   that moms have been coming to where   health goals, suggest a few cool tips using
          and refer friends who are interested in   they learn smart ways to take care of   essential oils and other natural products,
          natural solutions. The second is to help   their family naturally using essential oils   and then show you the most popular
          you get your products paid for and maybe   and other natural products. It’s about   options. If you end up finding things you
          even create some fun money by sharing   45 minutes and will be at my house on   want to try with your family, that’s great.
          dōTERRA with those you care about. And   Wednesday at 7:00 pm or Friday at 12:00   If not, that is totally OK as well.
          the third way is for those who say, ‘I know   noon, which we reserve for the busy moms.     But based on what I know about your
          it’s important to have multiple streams of   We will go over your health goals,    lifestyle, I think you will love it and I didn’t
          income and I’m passionate about natural   suggest a few cool tips using essential   want to leave you out. Is that something
          health. I would love to be able to create a   oils and other natural products, and then   you would be open to setting up?
          business doing this part-time from home.’   show the most popular options. If you end
          Which one of these would serve you best?   up finding things you want to try with your
          . . . Great!                       family, that’s great. If not, that is totally
                                             OK. But based on what I know about your
          When they say number one, say . . .
          Then the next step is for you to attend    lifestyle, I think you will love it and I didn’t
          a class. I’m holding one this Thursday!   want to leave you out. Is that something
                                             you would be open to attending? Great,
          When they say number two or number   which day works best for your schedule?
          three, say . . . Then the next step is for us to
          get together. I set aside time each week to
          share what that looks like. I have Tuesday
          at 7:00 and Thursday at noon. Which one
          works best for you?

          Ideal Share and Invite Timeline:

             Day 1                 Day 3                 Day 8                   Day 10                    Day 11


            Share an           Follow up and          48 hour phone             Class/1:1                   Begin
          oil experience     invite to learn more      call reminder                                     onboarding

                                                                    2–4 hour              Enroll, set up
                                                                   text reminder         Wellness Consult

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