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Use what you learned about
                                                                                               Shepherds College by filling out the
                                                                                               puzzle. All answers can be found in
                                                                                               the magazine. Return your completed
              BACK PAGE BONUS                                                                  puzzle to Shepherds College by
                                                                                               December 1, 2018 for a chance to
            Figuring Out the Facts                                                             win branded college apparel!
                                                                                               Mail your completed puzzle, contact
                                                                                               information and shirt size to:
                                                                                               Shepherds College Crossword Puzzle
                     1                 2                                                       1805 15th Ave
                                                                                               Union Grove, WI 53182
                                                                3      4                       All puzzles will be entered into a
                                                                                               drawing to be held on December 5, 2018.
                                5                     6
                                                                                               Name ______________________________
                             7                                                                 Address ___________________________
                                                                                               City _______________________________
                  8                           9                        10                      State _________ Zip _________________
                                                                                               Phone number (optional)
                                                                           12                  Shirt size (please circle one):
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              14                                         15
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                                                                    19     20         21
              22                    23


                         26  27
              29                                                           30


              Across                                             Down
              1  Month of the grand opening of Shepherds Community Cafe  2  Last name of Shepherds new president
              3  Christian Ladd works for this company           3  Special Olympics sport enjoyed by Christian Ladd
              5  Number of years most students spend in the Shepherds College program  4  Last name of probate judge who assisted James Liebler
              10  Current accreditor of Shepherds College        6  Family of plants with an acid base that we value for flavor
              11  New name of Home A                             7  Dr. Bill Amstutz now serves in this role at Shepherds College
              13  Angela __________, Dean of Education           8  Kevin Phillips served as a missionary in this country
              14  Popular spring sport offered by the Special Olympics  9  Shepherds College serves students with _______________ disabilities
              16  We ___________ the views and beliefs of our students  12  Principle of Ai: Designed On and For a ________________
              18  __________ Konopasek, Dean of Students         15  Shepherds ______________ Cafe
              20  Name of the Shepherds College Soaring Eagle    17  Anniversary celebrated by Shepherds College in 2018
              22  Number of students in the first class          19  Recipe for dip included in this issue
              23  Rachel earned a certificate in __________________     21  First internship site: Country ___________
              24  Joe DeCiccio manages this component of Shepherds College  22  One of the values encouraged by Shepherds College
              25  “At Shepherds College, we live out our ________________.”  27  Last name of the person to call if you want to sign up for Preview Day
              26  Eric Goldschmidt grew up in this state         28  Name of Shepherds College’s new magazine
              29  Third specialty major offered by Shepherds College  30  Winner of the 2018 Justin Duran Weyns Character Award, Peter ________
              31  You can find Shepherds College on ____________, Twitter and Instagram  32  An herb that can repel aphids
              33  First name of Brian Page’s wife
              34  Club offered by Calvary Memorial Church in Racine

     30  soar spring/summer 2018  soar spring/summer 2018
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