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                                                                FIRST IN ACCREDITATION

                                                                Accreditation for Shepherds College was determined to be a
                                                                critical factor even before the school opened. Early on, it was
                                                                decided that we would pursue accreditation from the North
                                                                Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School
                                                                Improvement (NCA CASI), whose leadership expressed a genuine
                                                                desire to assist us and help us reach this never before attained
          FIRST FIELD EXPERIENCE SITE                           status for a school serving people with ID. After hosting two
                                                                different accreditation review teams, in 2011 Shepherds College
                                                                was granted accreditation through NCA CASI as a non-degree
          An integral part of the Shepherds College training program   granting postsecondary school. This achievement allowed us to
          since the planning stages was the internship or field experience   pursue and be granted full participation in the Federal Student
          assignment for third-year students. The field experience provides   Aid program, an important factor in helping families make
          students the opportunity to plug into the operations of a business   attending Shepherds College a reality.
          in their field of their study. During each student’s third year at          A few years later, NCA CASI decided to no longer accredit
          Shepherds College, he/she will serve roughly 700 hours in one   schools who were also wanting to access Federal Student Aid,
          or more field experience assignments, and the experience and   leaving Shepherds College with an 18-month window to find new
          training received in those settings plays a vital role in preparing   accreditation. Through the guidance of our volunteer educational
          students for employment upon graduation. Through the years,   consultant, the decision was made to pursue new accreditation
          numerous host sites have partnered with Shepherds College and   through the Council on Occupational Education (COE). The
          provided real-life, hands-on opportunities for our students.    accreditation process with COE required meeting 100% of 252
                 In 2010, the very first business to agree to host a Shepherds   criteria across ten different standards. It was a daunting task and
          College student as a field experience site was Country Rose, a   involved each of our faculty members under the leadership of
          restaurant just outside of Union Grove. Every year since, Country   our Dean of Education, Angela Houk. Incredibly, when the COE
          Rose has hosted at least one student in this capacity. Through   review team assessed Shepherds College on the 252 criteria,
          the years the owners and staff at Country Rose have poured into   they determined that we met every one, a classification they
          student after student, preparing each one for future employment.    call “zero findings”. This was an unbelievable accomplishment
          As we host visitors to campus, if a lunch meeting is in order we   and something that fewer than 5% of the schools seeking
          often head out to Country Rose. A delicious lunch, with one of   accreditation through COE attain.
          our students working back in the kitchen, and the story of our
          first field experience partnership resonates with every guest we                    8
          take there.
                 Gloria, the first student to complete her field experience
          assignment at Country Rose, was offered a job there upon her
          graduation in 2011. Today, seven years later, she continues to
          work there having been given increasingly greater responsibility
          through the years.

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