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         Meal Planning

          by Joe DeCiccio, Residential Life Manager
          The Residential Life program at Shepherds College     understanding of how to create a meal plan and are able to shop
          is near to my heart. I love every aspect of it from the activities   for what they need. After that, it’s a matter of practice, support,
          to Special Olympics to teaching daily living skills. One aspect   and habit.
          that is especially important to me is the progression of training          When the students move up to the second-year Homes, they
          in the area of meal planning. I believe that if we can instill an   begin to work together to plan the meals for the week. At the
          understanding of healthy eating habits during the three years we   grocery store, they discuss how to tackle the store efficiently
          have with the students, they will retain that knowledge after they   based on what they have learned. The growth in the students at
          graduate. If it’s done well, meal planning can also save people   this point is evident and often impressive. They are experiencing
          time and money. With those goals in mind, Shepherds College   a level of independence that is empowering.
          created a system that teaches the students how to meal plan          The students in the third-year apartments have even higher
          effectively.                                          levels of freedom in this area. They quickly run the meal planning
                 Our first step is to educate the new students on healthy,   process from developing their meals to taking inventory to
          balanced meals. We start immediately in the first-year dorms   grocery shopping. They are given a budget and work towards
          with weekly, posted meal plans. Each meal plan represents items   staying within it.
          from the food groups. We discuss appropriate portion sizes to          By graduation, we are celebrating not only the academic
          determine what a healthy plate of food looks like. The students   growth of our students, but the exciting progress of their
          soon learn how to take a meal idea and divide it into the food   independent living skills. Three years earlier, some students
          groups so they can fill out their own weekly meal plan.   were only eating hotdogs and chicken nuggets, but they leave
                 After writing their plans, the students learn to create a   us knowing how to plan and enjoy a healthy diet. They are
          grocery list. This involves compiling ingredients from the meal   successfully providing well-rounded meals for themselves. This
          plan and taking inventory of what is already in the pantry. By the   achievement makes me feel confident that our grads will attain
          end of the first semester, the first-year students have a basic   their ultimate goal of a lifetime of Appropriate Independence.

     22  soar spring/summer 2018
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