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P. 18
by John Andrus,
Lead Instructor, Technology
Throughout the year in the
Shepherds College Technology program, from their keyboards and vacuuming
we train students in several different them inside, wiping them down with
areas: disinfecting wipes, and doing the same
with their phone screens, mice, and desks.
1. Professional Office
It’s a tedious job, but NO COMPLAINING!
2. Web Development
In our Mass Media unit, we learn to
3. IT Maintenance and Repair
take care of all the valuable video and
4. Mass Media
camera equipment that God has provided
I don’t want to admit it, but tech people to us through our generous donors. We use
have a reputation for being messy, one special cloths to clean the lenses and make
that is probably very well deserved. Every sure that our cameras are wiped down
training unit brings its own unique type often. We also learn how to organize our
of mess. equipment and our digital files (pictures
In our Professional Office unit, we do and videos) that we produce. It’s a detailed
lots of typing and data entry to prepare job, but essential.
students for jobs in the future, but we also We are so excited that warm weather
do things that cause a huge mess. Have you is finally here, even though it means spring
ever tried to empty a large shredder? Little cleaning in the technology department.
pieces of paper end up EVERYWHERE. In Once these important tasks are done and
our Professional Office training, students our equipment is well managed, we can
are in charge of trying to keep our room get back out in the world to EXPLORE AND
clean with dusting, taking out the trash, CREATE!
vacuuming, and washing windows. It’s a
big job, but required in the business world,
so it’s important to learn in our classroom.
Our IT Maintenance and Repair
unit causes quite a disorder. There
are computers and computer parts
everywhere while our students learn to
build computers from scratch. This unit
produces a ton of boxes and trash from
all the parts we order. It’s a dirty job, but
At first glance, our Web Development
unit doesn’t seem to produce much mess,
but it does produce the things you can’t
always see, namely germs, dirt, and dust.
We teach our students to take good care of
their workstations by removing the keys
18 soar spring/summer 2018 soar spring/summer 2018