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P. 13
by Owen Lackey,
Lead Horticulture Instructor
It’s funny that people in distinct companion planting. In this case, I mean garlic, leeks and onions.
occupations view the calendar in different “protector” plants that are used amongst A common flower is a fantastic
ways. My calendar deadlines as a gardener your crop or valued plants to ward off representative of the fourth family of
have to do with the environment, the pest attacks. Let’s talk about a few of these protector plants. The petunia is deterrent
seasons, and the weather. To me, this is plant choices from a botanical perspective. to a wide range of pests. It comes from the
“frost-free” time in Wisconsin, and it’s The first family is the Mint family. Potato family, a plant group renowned
time to start planting the annuals out in Their plant oils and odors stops the for its poisonous parts. A few relatives
the garden. approach of certain insect pests. They have reported repellent features such as
Sunny, 50 degree days are a delight in have long been used as mosquito eggplant, flowering tobacco, and even the
Wisconsin after white blanketed the sky deterrents, but some have an equal effect tomato repels the Asparagus beetle.
for so many months. Water is flowing, and upon crop beetles, loopers, flies, true The Carrot family has a number of
the pillows of snow lying on top of the bugs and even some rodents. Some are deterrent guardians. Coriander, dill, fennel
garden shrink away to reveal the soil. After also worthwhile esthetic components and parsley can repel aphids, a few mites
a week of drying and warming, that soil is for your gardenscape. Look up these and even beetles. Beware of the wild
ready to prepare and plant! This special beautiful plants online to see which one cousin, wild parsnip; its repellent poisons
time is perfect for introducing students to can best protect your specific crop while can create harsh skin reactions.
a garden space: dirt in the hands, picking adding aroma to your garden: Basil, There are a wide variety of other plants
out stones, digging and turning over soil catnip, lantana, hyssop, lavender, lemon that bring their own individual features to
beds, leveling spaces; activities that are balm, lemon thyme, lime basil, oregano, the table. To name a few:
both therapeutic and productive. peppermint, rosemary, spearmint, summer • Four O’clocks – kill Japanese Beetles
However, there are others who have savory and thyme. • Nasturtiums – repel squash bugs, aphids
also been waiting on the weather! Living Another family of flowers includes many beetles, and the cabbage looper
outdoors, dependent upon the calendar, wonderful sun lovers that bring exciting • Borage – repels tomato hornworm
are little critters awaiting their food cache floral displays. The Aster family features • Geranium – repels leafhoppers
to be placed before them in the ground. some plants with a chemical deterrent • Radish – repels cucumber beetle
The innumerable pests that inflict damage built into their plant juices. In fact, the Now that you have a few dual-purpose
to our gardens have life-cycles perfectly Pyrethrum daisy is the original source deterrents identified, you can proceed
aligned and timed to match the installation to the organic pesticide, pyrethrum. This to plan your garden. Proximity to target
of the plant material. family of deterrents can drive away a wide plants that need protection is important.
Now is the time to make choices variety of pests. Again, check online for Also necessary is the volume of protective
regarding methods to inhibit this attack. best choices: Artemisia, chamomile mums, planting; don’t overly reduce your crop
Integrated Pest Management is a feverfew, marigolds, lettuce, and tansy. size due to too many soldier plants. Every
practice dictating that a gardener selects Family number three has an acid- environment, every season, and every
the best methods, or combinations of based that we value for flavor. The Allium pest-load will factor into your design
methods, considering the environment, family (actually in the Lily family) presents layout decision.
plant health, consumer value, and cost. deterrents due to oxalic acids in the
One method that is very favorable to make-up. Again the scents and taste can be Enjoy your planning.
health, value and cost, is the use of repellant. Consider any of the chives, Have fun in the garden! 13