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by Russ Kinkade, Consultant to Shepherds College
Shepherds College is a place where faith is put into practice speech. Psychology is rich with evidence of how our inner biases
in a special and holistic way. Living out our values, creating a influence our actions.
climate of love and acceptance, modeling what real spirituality The sentiment of Edgar Guest captures the essence of our
looks like, all flow from our Christian beliefs. Faith in action is faith in action: “I’d rather see a sermon than hear one any day;
not about coercion or manipulation, rather it is about making I’d rather one should walk with me than merely tell the way.” The
sure we serve others by being the best we can be as we live out sermon we wish others to see in us is reflected in our philosophy
our values and principles. of Appropriate Independence™. Foundational to this philosophy
The students we serve come from diverse backgrounds, thus is a view of people that sees them as “designed on purpose,
it is critical that while we retain our own distinctly Christian for a purpose.” What an opportunity to assist young people in
identity, we maintain our commitment to respect the views discovering purpose in their lives. Note, it is not our purpose
and beliefs of our students. We are transparent about our for them, rather it is exciting the purpose woven into their
presuppositions and open about our philosophical and religious unique design.
foundation. This is essential to who we are and why we serve. So, at Shepherds College, we live out our faith. It is not just
One’s values cannot help but influence personal conduct and about telling, it is about showing. 15