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P. 11
by Scott Perkins, Assistant to the Dean of Students
Every Sunday, Shepherds College students disperse scripture, play games, sing songs, and stay on task.
throughout Racine and Kenosha Counties to attend various Impressed with Luke’s contribution to the Awana program,
churches. This is their opportunity to engage with a church Pastor Patrick Faulk stated, “Luke has been incredibly helpful and
community and enjoy worship with fellow believers. However, a wonderful role model for our children. It has been a real joy to
second-year student, Luke Zakariasen, has felt called to do more. see him have interest and a desire to be involved.” He also notes
He not only attends Calvary Memorial Church in Racine, he also that Luke is the first Shepherds College student to volunteer his
serves there. time in service to their church.
The church offers a program called Awana, a club that aims to In addition to Luke’s Wednesday evening commitment, he also
“reach kids for Christ through fun, Scripture-rich experiences that volunteers to sing in the choir every Sunday morning. “It has been
lead them to know, love and serve Him.” Luke has chosen to assist such an inspiration to our church to see his contributions. We
with this ministry. He said, “I went to Awana as a kid which made have been been pleased and honored to have him with us,” states
me want to help out with Calvary Memorial’s Awana program.” Pastor Faulk.
Every Wednesday for the past semester, a member at Calvary Shepherds College encourages and provides opportunities
transports Luke to the church. There Luke experiences his for servanthood. There is no doubt that Luke embodies this value
favorite part of the evening - helping the children memorize with his commitment to Calvary Memorial Church. 11