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Jim and
mom, Irene
Jim at
2 years old
Why I Give to Shepherds
A Donors Story
By James M. Liebler, Esquire
The year was 1964. The place was law—a decision no doubt influenced by Judge Black’s kindness to
County, Michigan. My parents were young, me when I was a child. Like my parents, she was also an earthly
unwed, and in college. Caring for a angel. Because she looked beyond the simplistic diagnosis in my
newborn wasn’t in their plans. Placed in file and my dire physical circumstances, she helped unlock the
the foster care system, I became a ward of possibilities for a full and meaningful life.
the state. God used Judge Black to connect me to my adoptive parents.
By the time my first birthday arrived, I was covered in bed sores, My parents gave me the capacity to overcome all obstacles,
malnourished, and under-developed physically, cognitively and enabling me to grow into the man I am today, with my own
emotionally. I was labeled “special needs” with little hope of ever beautiful wife and family. I thank God daily for Mom and Dad. I
maturing into a so-called “normal” child. The clinical report in the also thank Him for my birth parents. Even though we may never
court records was cold and to the point: “Mentally handicapped. meet, I’m grateful they chose to give me the gift of life.
Below average in every developmental area.” Sometimes people ask me: “Why are you so passionate about
When Probate Judge Vera I. Black read those words, God’s the work of Shepherds?” The answer is this: I see myself in the
promise in Jeremiah 1:5 was playing out: “Before I formed you in population Shepherds serves.
the womb, I knew you” (NIV). Years earlier, the Lord had formed Too often in their lives outside of Shepherds, residents and
a friendship between the Judge and a godly couple who would students have been told what they can’t do instead of what they
become my adoptive parents, my earthly angels. can do and what they can become. People have treated them
It wasn’t surprising that Judge Black asked my Mom and as disabled rather than as completely able to accomplish great
Dad if they would be willing to look after me. She knew they things. The blessings they can be to their families, churches and
had fostered and adopted other, similar children, and would be communities often go unclaimed, stifled by simplistic diagnoses,
undaunted by my challenges. Although in their mid-forties, they unwarranted prejudice, or preconceived notions that have no basis.
graciously welcomed me as an additional blessing to their family. But guided by a model that emphasizes Appropriate
For the next several months, Mom and Dad (Irene and Orville) Independence™, the beautiful people at Shepherds are
were relentless in tackling my ailments. They used heat lamps to empowered to lead meaningful, extraordinary lives! Shepherds is
heal my bed sores. They helped develop my long-neglected motor blessed to have its own “angels” who work to make that dream a
skills. They provided nutrient-rich foods that I previously lacked reality through Shepherds College.
and now craved. In fact, at one point I consumed so many carrots For people at Shepherds, it begins as it began for me: with
that my skin took on an orangish hue! someone believing in the value of the individual as a unique
But most of all – and most importantly – my adoptive parents creation, crafted in the image of God, needing only abundant love
didn’t just heal me physically. They healed me spiritually and and attention to thrive in body, mind and spirit. That’s the beauty
emotionally. From the start they loved me abundantly and of Shepherds! That’s the beauty of God calling each of us to serve
unconditionally. Even at an early age, they made known to me their one another in love. And that’s the beauty of the God we serve—
unshakeable faith in Jesus Christ—in His power to redeem us, body the God who cares for us as we are, who never abandons us or
and soul, and to deliver us from evil no matter our circumstances. views our lives as insignificant.
With that kind of love and support, I began to flourish. “For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you
When I became a young man, I decided to pursue a career in in all your ways.” — Psalm 91:11 NIV
14 soar spring/summer 2018