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The Faces of Fundraising

          Introducing our new Shepherds College Advancement Officers:
          Kevin Phillips was born and raised   Eric Goldschmidt grew up in Alaska,   Brian Page grew up in the suburbs of
          in Florida and, throughout his life, has   but spent most of his adult life in   Chicago and has been married for 31 years
          also lived in North Carolina, Connecticut,   Wisconsin. For 25 years he pastored   to his wife, Natalie. Throughout his life, he
          Hungary and now Wisconsin. He is a   two different churches in the state and   has resided in Illinois, Tennessee, Virginia,
          graduate of Tennessee Temple University,   has a Masters of Divinity (MDiv) from   New Hampshire, Georgia and Alabama.
          where he majored in History. Kevin   Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary.  Eric and          The Pages have three children: Harold
          and his wife Joy will celebrate 30 years   his wife Beth have been married for 31   (Sofia), Benjamin, a third-year student at
          of marriage in August and have two   years and have five children: a son, James   Shepherds College and Autumn Grace, a
          daughters: Christiana (20), a senior at   (April); four daughters, Katie (Leon),   freshman at Wheaton College.
          Taylor University in Indiana and Briana   Ellen, Anne (Mark) and Sarah; and three          Prior to joining Shepherds, Brian was
          (15), a sophomore in high school who has   grandchildren.               a Director of Communications, Legislative
          Downs syndrome and is hoping to one day          Prior to coming to Shepherds, Eric   Affairs and Community Engagement
          be a student at Shepherds College.    served as a church fundraising specialist   for William Rainey Harper College.  He
                 Prior to joining our team, the   helping congregations with large capital   has an MBA from Regent University and
          Phillips served as missionaries with   campaigns.                       is a licensed and ordained chaplain.
          the Association of Baptists for World          Eric also loves being with his family,   Previously he served as Pastor, Executive
          Evangelism (ABWE) for 11 years; seven    cooking, traveling, reading and enjoying   Director, Regional Vice President and
          of those in Hungary.                God’s creation.                     Financial Planner.
                 Kevin enjoys spending time with family,          Fun fact: Eric has visited all 50 states.         Brian loves sports, enjoys traveling and

          fishing, running and watching sports.   Mississippi was his last one. He did it!  vacationing on the beach with his family.

          Please join us in welcoming these three gifted and talented gentlemen to the ministry of Shepherds College.

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