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Staff Spotlight

          Joe DeCiccio

          by Lori Konopasek, Dean of Students
          Our team of staff at Shepherds College is foundational to   of Shepherds College and works to continuously improve
          our ability to fulfill our mission. They are integral in promoting   the program to best support students towards Appropriate
          student growth and development.                       Independence™ in their social, daily living, and personal skills.
                 God directed Joe DeCiccio’s family to Wisconsin in   One creative tool Joe developed was a recipe book that students
          the summer of 2013. Joe moved and had one plan for his   use throughout their time at Shepherds College and then receive
          employment —Shepherds College. Imagine moving your entire   upon graduation as a gift.  This tool helps teach students basic
          family across the United States and feeling so confident in your   recipes through repetition and provides them with a practical
          calling for work that there was no backup plan! We are so glad   way to use their skills after college.
          that Joe followed God’s direction because, in June of 2013, Joe          Joe consistently demonstrates a perspective where he puts
          joined the Shepherds College team. With that addition, we gained   what is best for students and staff above what he personally
          a team member who is dedicated, responsible, honest, organized,   desires. He directs his energy toward empowering the residential
          flexible, and family oriented. These descriptions clearly speak   life team to express their creativity and strengths. From this
          to the quality of his character. Joe is currently the Residential   focus, other staff members began an intermural opportunity
          Life Manager where he oversees the residential progression and   where students learn new activities, build teamwork, and
          supervises staff. His tasks range from facilitating and planning   exercise.
          community building activities such as game nights, to assisting          Joe understands Appropriate Independence, builds into our
          staff with strategies to best support and train students. At a   students, and demonstrates integrity in all he does. He is a great
          moment’s notice, his entire day could change due to the needs   asset to Shepherds College and an important team member.  Next
          of a student or an unexpected schedule change requiring a   time you consider residential life, know that Joe DeCiccio is a
          significant amount of flexibility and problem solving.    significant part of its success!
                 He values the uniqueness of the residential component

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