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SOARing Ahead!
Launch of the new Shepherds College Magazine
by Dr. Bill Amstutz, Chancellor
It has been in our minds and hearts for a long time. We want The expertise of our faculty is increasing, and we want others
to expand the ministry by publishing a new college magazine. As to learn about the teaching techniques and problem solving that
our college mascot is the “Soaring Eagles,” it’s only fitting to name are so successful here. I believe that this new magazine will grow
this new publication SOAR. (Is. 40:31) in its content and be a voice for how special education should be
Since the early 1960s, we have communicated to our ministry done at the postsecondary level.
friends, donors and supporting churches through the Folder In the years ahead, you will have opportunities to share in the
newsletter. As we celebrate the 60th anniversary of Shepherds vision of the college as it unfolds. You will also enjoy occasions
Ministries and the 10th anniversary of Shepherds College, it’s to help with volunteering, scholarships and capital projects.
an appropriate time in our history to make the change from our Our intent is to grow the college on our current campus to 100
time-honored ministry newsletter to our newly minted college students and then to establish branch campuses in other parts of
magazine. the country. We want students in other places to experience this
This excites me because the printed page is so powerful, wonderful education too.
and this new magazine, in hard print and online, will allow Make no mistake, God is at work here. Lives are being
much additional content. SOAR will include pictures of what’s changed. You won’t want to miss a single issue of SOAR Magazine
happening now with our students in the classroom and in their as the pathway of our college and students is revealed. Please
third-year internships. It will also provide a window into what use this tool to spread the word about Shepherds College. God
our alums are accomplishing in their communities. is doing great things here. As always, we are blessed by His
guidance, care and provision.
We are seeing lives changed, and we want you to know about it!
After 20 years of serving the Lord as President of Shepherds Ministries, Dr. Bill
Amstutz retired as of June 2018. He now serves as Chancellor of Shepherds
College. We are grateful for Bill’s dedicated service and wish him God’s blessing
in his new role. Tracy Terrill is now the fourth president of Shepherds.
4 soar spring/summer 2018