Page 68 - Mercy College_BarrandBarr_7.26.17
P. 68

Barr & Barr will take a very proactive approach to preconstruction. Developing a
                                                strategy that will identify long lead items while collaborating with the design team
                                                on standard design within the industry. Implementing our knowledge on the current
                By selecting                    manufacturing times, stock inventory and work forces we will be able to eliminate

                                                manufacturing delays and over priced items.
         Barr & Barr as your
                construction                    We will assist the team with locking in, during the CD development, certain design
                                                elements that potentially could have an impact on this size project. Some areas to be
         manager, you ensure                    addressed are:

            an approach that
                                                A -  Exterior glazing systems, where right now the market is realizing a premium due to
                 minimizes                         the ongoing work in the metro area. Working with some smaller boutique shops,

           disruption of your                      we will be able to secure pricing and glass delivery dates. Right now the major glass
                                                   manufacturing houses are falling behind in fabrication and in deliveries.  You will
              program, your                        need to know where and whom to purchase from.

            campus and your                     B -  Brick that will satisfy the design elements, creating mock up panels, obtaining

                community.                         approval, all within the available schedule.

                                                C -  Steel sizing that will take advantage of current inventory that is sitting in a yard,
                                                   looking to secure the best pricing for a smaller order and to reserve any inventory
                                                   that might be available .

                                                D -  Elevator vendors are in high  demand and are having diffi  culty in satisfying the
                                                   industry needs, early procurement and approval will be essential in maintaining
                                                   an aggressive approach.

                                                E -  Identifi cation of all underground services, noting locations and inverts and
                                                   confi rming tie in locations.
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