Page 27 - Oaths 2019
P. 27
Aya Eltantawy
I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability, the following tenants:
I will appreciate the incredibly humbling and rewarding position I have been granted to help heal my fellow humans. I will respect and honor the responsibilities that come with the role of a healer.
I will treat my colleagues with the utmost respect, ensuring that each member of the health care team is appreciated and valued.
I will apply my skills to help those who cannot help themselves and extend myself to the most vulnerable of the community.
I will not only do no harm but I will also strive to do good.
I will heal my patients to the best of my ability and still recognize my limitations in that I do not know all nor can I cure all.
I will use my position and my relationship with patients to fight against injustice in the community and protect my patients from harm.
I will recognize the factors outside of health that may impact my patients and their ability to follow treatment plans and strive to provide support in these issues in order to provide the best care possible.
I will recognize the significance and validity of mental health in its own right and in its impact on physical health. I will take this critical aspect of health into account when treating patients.
I will respect that my patients come to me in their most vulnerable times and treat them with the compassion, care, and dignity they deserve. I will also respect the privacy of my patients and the information they share with me in their vulnerable time.
I will always listen with an attentive ear and an open heart.
I will not forget that medicine is an art as much as it is a science. I will strive to treat my patients as human beings and not diseases to bombard with tests and drugs. I will remember that the most powerful tool in a physician’s belt is the ability to listen.
I pledge to abide by this oath in my journey to becoming a healer and for the rest of my life as a physician.
Personal Hippocratic Oaths