Page 29 - Oaths 2019
P. 29

 Jorge Fleites
As I enter the medical field, I swear to abide by the following covenant:
I will treat my patients with respect regardless of color and sexual orientation.
I will keep the information of my patients confidential and protect that information from being exploited. I will put my patient’s decisions regarding their health before my own personal beliefs.
I will consider the underlying factors leading to disease such as the living situation of patients, while still considering the biological causes.
I will stay up to date with the advances made in medicine to ensure that my patients are receiving the highest quality of care.
I will ask for help when I do not feel confident in my ability to carry out the task at hand.
I will only prescribe necessary tests that will guide making a diagnosis and avoid those that may expose my patient to harmful side effects.
I will strive to be empathetic and ensure my patients that it is a collective effort to prevent illness.
I will not participate in any fraudulent activities nor accept benefits from insurance providers.
I will not make any sexual advances at my patients.
If I do not violate this oath, may I enjoy the relationships I create with my patients and strive to work together as a team to prevent illness, and cure illness when needed.
Personal Hippocratic Oaths

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