Page 30 - Oaths 2019
P. 30

 Tannica Fogarthy
I SOLEMNLY PLEDGE to dedicate my life to help those in need
I WILL ALWAYS put my patient’s needs first
I WILL WORK with my patients to develop the right plan for them
I WILL TREAT all my patients equally and fairly
I WILL KEEP all information shared confidential, even after they have passed
I WILL NOT let fame or wealth drive my care for patients
I WILL USE my talents and training to heal and not harm the patient, whether physically or mentally
I WILL BE honest and transparent
I WILL SEEK help when needed
I WILL NOT let pride, shame or embarrassment prevent me from caring for my patient
I WILL TAKE CARE of health and fitness to better suit my patients
I WILL TREAT my colleagues, staff, students and patients with respect
I WILL DO what is right, even when it is difficult
I WILL BE an advocate for my patients, and use my medical knowledge to assist in the advancement of their care
I WILL RESPECT human life and not use my medical training to destroy it, even under threat
I PROMISE to maintain this oath to the utmost of my ability
Personal Hippocratic Oaths

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