Page 32 - Oaths 2019
P. 32

 Kevin Gates
As a future member of the medical profession,
I swear to always do everything in my power to help my patients.
To always treat the patient and not just the disease. And to remember that no disease is the same between two people. The social determinants of health not only affect one’s health but also influence what treatment options are best for that particular patient and their unique background.
To listen to their story in addition to their symptoms. Focusing not only on the biomedical factors but also the psychosocial factors that influence health and disease.
To never stop learning, both as a physician and as a person. The field of medicine is constantly changing, and it requires constant adaptation to remain effective.
Every time I fail, I promise to learn from my mistakes. To use my mistakes as a learning experience for myself and for others. Only by making mistakes in a learning environment will I be able to learn and become the most effective physician possible.
To always put forth my best effort and give every patient the same time and treatment that I would want for myself.
To never give up. No matter how low the chance of success may be.
And lastly, to never forget where I came from. How hard I had to work to make it this far and how much harder I will work to effectively treat as many patients as possible.
These oaths I do swear, from this day until my last.
Personal Hippocratic Oaths

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