Page 42 - Oaths 2019
P. 42

 Irfan Khan
Allow me to be a servant leader, serving not just my patients, but all of humanity through practicing medicine and contributing to scientific research.
Allow me to uphold and uplift the standards of physicians, and by doing so, bring nothing but honor and respect to the profession.
Allow me to be raised on the backs of the giants who came before me, and lay the foundation for those who come after me.
Allow me to never shy away from saying “I do not know,” for there will be situations where I do not know something. Instead, allow me to search diligently for an answer, or refer to a colleague who may know the answer to my mystery.
Allow me to always prioritize the needs of my patients, and through doing so, provide patient-centered care.
Allow me to never become numb to the pain and suffering of my patients; rather, give me the strength to use that pain and suffering as motivation to heal.
Allow me to never breach the trust patients put within me, but instead, utilize that trust to facilitate excellent outcomes and build genuine relationships.
Allow me to treat each of my patients as individuals who are not defined by their condition or disease, or by the color of their skin or national background.
Allow me to help patients stay out of my office through practicing preventative medicine.
Allow me to prosper while following this oath, and if not, prevent me from practicing the art of medicine, for it would be in vain.
Personal Hippocratic Oaths

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