Page 45 - Oaths 2019
P. 45

 Hans Lapica
Upon receiving the privilege and honor of entering the medical profession, I do solemnly swear: To dedicate my life to the service of humanity;
To hold the utmost respect for my teachers and mentors who showed me the way;
To pass on my knowledge and skills to the next generation as my teachers did before me;
To live a life of endless learning for the benefit of my patients and the betterment of my profession;
To not only heal but educate my patients and community in the hopes of preventing illness and disease; To not be afraid of saying “I do not know”, and when necessary, call upon the expertise of my fellow colleagues and to never refuse to do the same when called upon;
To hold all life as sacred and never use my knowledge for the creation of weapons or to the detriment of society;
To love humanity more than I do the science that I practice;
To do no harm and always act in the best interest of my patients, with kindness and without prejudice; To be honest and trustworthy to my patients, colleagues, and community;
To hold secret all things confided in me by my patients, even after their death;
To never let monetary rewards interfere with my judgement and decisions regarding the care of my patients and community;
And finally, I swear to remember that I am not a god but an imperfect being that will sometimes make mistakes. When such events transpire, I will hold myself accountable and come forward willingly, accepting the consequences humbly and without contempt.
Personal Hippocratic Oaths

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