Page 47 - Oaths 2019
P. 47

 Krissie Lobon
I promise to keep the following oath and this contract:
To hold each and every patient I encounter with the upmost respect. To value him or her as I would want other to value me, if not more.
To teach my patients patiently, so that they can participate in their health care.
To listen to my patients before making assumptions or an immediate diagnosis.
I will suggest lifestyle changes that are reasonable, by considering factors such as their living situation, community, support system, and mental health.
I will only prescribe medications I see fit and withhold from overprescribing medications that have addictive properties.
I will do no harm to my patients, and always make the decision with more benefits than risks.
I will be a life-long learner, always open to and inquiring about new discoveries, research findings, and new clinical skills techniques, to improve my craft.
I will accept criticism and feedback openly and objectively.
I will accept my limitations and never perform a procedure or offer a course of treatment if I do not feel I can provide the best care for my patient.
Whatever I see or hear in the lives of my patients, I will keep secret and private.
I will uphold all of these promises for my entire career, life, and treat this profession as an art.
Personal Hippocratic Oaths

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