Page 49 - Oaths 2019
P. 49

 Sean Mahoney
I will dedicate my life to serving the good of humanity
I will strive to work towards equality in health care for all populations, and not allow age, race, sex, gender, status, sexuality, or any other quality of my patient to impact my treatment or the treatment of other physicians
Help me to take the best interests of my patients first and consider all aspects of human health, including physical, mental, and social
I will never share information given to me by my patients to others, and keep the privacy of our relationship intact
I will never use my medical knowledge to take advantage of others
I will be sure to tend to my own health, as the health of myself is important to best tend to the health of others
Allow me to share my knowledge with those younger than I in the profession, and help grow future generations of physicians
Allow me to try and advance medical knowledge through research and innovation
I make these promises solemnly, with utmost sincerity
Personal Hippocratic Oaths

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