Page 48 - Oaths 2019
P. 48

 Nicole Lopez
I promise to abide by the following covenant to the best of my ability:
I will heal others to the best of my ability and knowledge.
I will not abuse the trust or vulnerability of those who come to seek my help.
I will respect my peers and reach out to them for help if I know I need a helping hand or further insight. May knowledge, empathy, and compassion always be the driving forces at the forefront of my mind. May my intentions always be pure and genuine.
I intend to prevent, treat, and cure disease.
I will humbly admit when I do not know something in order to avoid causing harm to others.
I will always respect others, as well as their privacy, and treat them the way I would like to be treated.
I will not play God or belittle other members of society.
May I continue to represent the medical field in a kind, compassionate, and nurturing way.
I will always be thankful and grateful to those who come to me for healing, for they have entrusted me with great hope and trust, both of which I should not belittle.
May I always embrace the art of healing and the goals that come with it.
I seek to maintain a strong work ethic and be professional at all times.
I will maintain healthy coping mechanisms to deal with any stress that comes my way.
I seek to follow the aforementioned oath with the hope of continuing to uphold the true nature of what it means to be a physician and care giver.
Personal Hippocratic Oaths

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