Page 15 - March 2018 Newsletter
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IAGC Welcomes PT Elnusa Tbk Exploration as a Contributing Member
The IAGC welcomes PT Elnusa Tbk as a Contributing Member. Founded in 1969 as a state-owned oil and
gas company in Indonesia, Elnusa is today a publicly-held leader in energy services. Along with providing
drilling and oilfield services, Elnusa also provides seismic data acquisition and processing.
IAGC Welcomes New Associate Member Quest Geophysical Asia
The IAGC welcomes PT. Quest Geophysical Asia as an Associate Member. PT. Quest was founded in
2005 as geophysical survey consultancy to address the necessity of numerous companies within the oil
and gas sector to streamline and restructure expensive field operations and to recover cost of huge
outlays in new and existing ventures. PT. Quest Geophysical Asia also provides other services such as
production enhancement and power provider.
Low Impact Seismic Sources Joins IAGC as Associate Member
IAGC welcomes Low Impact Seismic Sources (LISS) as its newest Associate Member. LISS is in the
pre-funding stage but their founders have over 100 years of geophysical activity and experience,
including seismic equipment manufacturing, service business and innovations, and oil companies. As a
development and manufacturing company they offer innovative technology for a new generation of
high quality seismic sources with a low environmental impact.
The IAGC invites you to join the most credible and effective voice for promoting
and ensuring a safe, environmentally responsible and competitive geophysical
industry. As an IAGC member, you and your company:
• Are part of a united and • Have the opportunity to • Have access to
Want to Join the IAGC? influential voice on issues that provide leadership in shaping information that will
are important to the health of our industry's agenda and support your continued
the geophysical industry. strategies. success.
Membership in the IAGC is by company, which permits member-company employees, regardless of number or class of
membership, to participate in IAGC activities. Membership will be on an annual basis. For details on membership or to apply,
please visit our website at http://www.iagcorg/join-the-iagc.html or email Criss Rennie White at
The IAGC Newsletter | InDepth 15 March | 2018