Page 13 - March 2018 Newsletter
P. 13
The outcome would create a In addition to sending a letter from the
simpler, shorter, predictable and IAGC to reinforce PEPANZ's efforts,
consistent environmental the IAGC also provided PEPANZ with
approvals process. The IAGC IAGC best available science
Austral Committee is working with bibliographies and information
NERA arranged seismic industry on research on lack of impacts of
leaders to share ideas on necessary seismic surveys on marine mammals
changes to make Australia and other marine organisms, fact
internationally competitive and to sheets and copies of statements made
reignite growth. by U.S. Government officials citing the
lack of population impacts on marine
New Zealand life from sound from seismic surveys.
IAGC Responds to Hints of The IAGC offered to work with the
Possible Law Changes in New New Zealand government should it
Zealand and Supports decide to undertake review of its
current regulations of seismic surveys.
PEPANZ Outreach New Zealand is considered to have
some of the most precautious
On 13 December 2017, the IAGC standards for seismic surveys in the
submitted a letter to the New world.
Zealand Minister of Conservation,
Eugenie Sage following a comment
the Government made in a 27
November 2017 news article on
possible seismic survey regulation
changes in New Zealand. According
to the article, New Zealand's Prime
Minister, Jacinda Ardern indicated a
consideration of change in the law
which could prevent future seismic
surveys in the country.
The IAGC coordinated government
outreach efforts with Petroleum
Exploration and Production
Association of New Zealand
(PEPANZ) which sent letters to
Government Ministers providing
background on seismic surveys and
how well they are regulated in New
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