Page 10 - March 2018 Newsletter
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Association News
          Did you know?

          Spotlight on IAGC

          Member Resources

           In addition to member-only resources, many IAGC initiatives
           and products are showcased on our public webpages,
           including information and resources about how IAGC’s
           members inform global exploration through the acquisition
           of multi-client surveys.

           IAGC has developed a model Master Data Licensing
           Agreement (MLA) and Statements of Principles addressing
           the various aspects of licensing multi-client geophysical data
           as well as contracting for geophysical services. These
           resources are provided for discussion and educational
           purposes and are available as a free resource to IAGC
           members, industry, and the general public here.

           This year, the IAGC is updating our MLA and Statements of
           Principles. The Global Data Licensing Committee and Global
           Legal Committee are currently reviewing these tools to
           ensure they reflect modern practices.  If you would like
           more information on how to get involved, please contact
           Jameson White:

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