Page 6 - March 2018 Newsletter
P. 6

IAGC's Dustin Van Liew in Raleigh, NC                                                   IAGC’s Jameson White with the
                                                                                           Consumer Energy Alliance in Atlanta, GA

                         BOEM Hosts DPP Public Meetings;

                         IAGC Joins Atlantic Pre-Meetings

                         During the Draft Proposed Program (DPP) Comment Period, the Federal
                         government, allied trades engaged local communities.

                         The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management              In Raleigh, IAGC Vice President of Regulatory
                         (BOEM) has continued to host its public            and Governmental Affairs Dustin Van Liew
                         meetings in support of the 2019-2024 National      spoke to the Carolina Journal on the safety
                         OCS Draft Proposed Program (DPP). During           record of the G&G industry. Pointing to the
                         the two weeks leading up to the DPP comment        layers of mitigation precaution in place to
                         period closing, BOEM hosted meetings in            protect marine mammals, Van Liew said,
                         fourteen states and in Washington, D.C.            "There's been no documented evidence of
                                                                            injury or harm to marine animals from seismic
                         Representing the geophysical industry, the         surveys."
                         IAGC joined other industry groups at pre-
                         meeting news events sponsored by the               Van Liew also said that IAGC is willing to
                         Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) in Columbia,        work with North Carolina Governor Roy
                         SC, Atlanta, GA and Raleigh, NC. During the        Cooper (D), adding, "We want to just ensure
                         pre-meetings, the IAGC spoke to reporters and      that we're working with the facts, not the
                         to local citizens on behalf of the G&G industry    misinformation that we hear from some of
                         on the importance of seismic surveying and the     the environmental interests that want to shut
                         need for more exploration. The IAGC also           down all oil and gas exploration offshore."
                         spoke on the environmental responsibility of
                         seismic surveying and provided information on
                         how seismic surveys are performed.

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