Page 33 - IAGC The Voice 2017
P. 33

        IAGC SPONSORS WORKSHOP WITH                                                CONSTRUCTIVELY

        BRAZIL REGULATORS                                                          WITH DOD
              he IAGC Brazil Committee       Ministry of Environment.  Attendees        he IAGC continues to work
              organized and hosted an all-day   praised the quality of the speakers and   through any Department of
        Tworkshop in November 2016           round table.                          TDefense        (DoD)     concerns
        with   Brazilian  regulators.  The                                         regarding the compatibility of G&G
        workshop was aimed at differentiating                                      and DoD activities on the OCS for
        research and mitigation projects to   The attendees plan to continue the   space and time. On 12 April, the IAGC
        exclude  from  the  permitting  process   discussions through a series of   conducted a Seismic 101 briefing for
        and find a mechanism for funding.    meetings. The next scheduled meeting   the  DoD  in  Washington,  D.C.  The
                                             between  academia  and  CGMAC  will
                                             lead to follow-up with the IAGC and   presentations provided an overview of
        The workshop had more than 90        ultimately inform  consideration and   the Oil  & Gas industry from G&G
        attendees  from   academia,   E&P    finalization of the EIA Matrix on the   surveys,  through  drilling  and
        companies,    member      company    definition of the mitigation projects.    production to rig removal.
        representatives,  and  government
        officials including Coordenacao Geral                                      The briefing continues to build on
        de  Empreendimentos Marinhos  e      CGMAC replaces the former CGPEG       previous meetings to ensure our
        Costeiros  (CGMAC), Brazil's General   in its function keeping the same    industry works closely with DoD to
        Coordination for Marine and Coastal   technical team under new management   reduce any potential disruptions in the
        Enterprises and the Ministério do    and with the head sitting in Brasilia.  future. The IAGC, Shell, and Noble
        Meio Ambiente (MMA), Brazil's                                              Energy presentated in  coordination
                                                                                   with API, NOIA and IADC.

                       IN GULF STATES

              he IAGC conducted G&G 101 briefings for local
              business people, local government officials and
        Tgeneral       public   stakeholders  in   Louisiana,
        Mississippi, Florida, and Alabama. The IAGC meetings
        were held in conjunction with BOEM's public meetings to
        solicit input and answer questions for its Draft PEIS for
        GOM G&G Surveys in November 2016.

        In September 2016, the BOEM announced the release of
        the GOM Draft PEIS and public meetings in the Gulf
        states.  Meetings were held in the New Orleans, Louisiana;
        Gulfport, Mississippi; Fort Walton Beach, Florida; Mobile,
        Alabama; and Houston, Texas.

        The IAGC issued a formal statement in response to the
        release of the Draft PEIS and another statement upon the
        closing of the comment period on 29 November 2016.  The
        Association  also provided  comments during  the BOEM
        public comment period which ended 30 November 2016.

                                                                   IAGC Board Member Peter Seidel Presenting at G&G 101 Briefing.

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