Page 34 - IAGC The Voice 2017
P. 34

            IN NCBIWA ANNUAL                     BELIZE'S HALT OF                  ENVIRONMENTAL
            CONFERENCE AS                         SEISMIC SURVEY                   RULES PANEL AT
            SPEAKER AND                                                            2017 SPE HSSE
            SPONSOR                                                                CONFERENCE
                                                  n response to the suspension of a
                                                  seismic  survey  in  Belize,  the
                   ustin Van Liew, the  IIAGC issued a statement which                    ustin Van Liew was a
                   IAGC‘s    Director   of    encouraged the people of Belize to          panelist at the Society of
            DRegulatory                 &     learn about seismic surveys and the  DPetroleum           Engineers
            Governmental  Affairs,  was  a    industry's long track record of safe,   (SPE) Health, Safety, Security,
            presenter at the North Carolina   responsible operations around the    Environment      &      Social
            Beach    Inlet  &    Waterway     world.  The statement went on to say,   Responsibility  Conference  -
            Association (NCBIWA) Annual       "Unfortunately, the dialogue on this   North America.   Van Liew's
            Conference in North Carolina 14   critical issue is too often marred by   presentation titled "Exploration
            -  15  November  2016.    His     false and exaggerated claims from    within the Gulf of Mexico and the
            presentation, "Vantage Point II -   anti-oil and gas groups.  In order to   New Environmental Regulations"
            Seismic Surveying, Incidental     make sound decisions, it is important   provided an overview of the
            Harassment Authorizations and     to have healthy conversations based   challenges new GOM regulations
            the future of Atlantic OCS        on science and to provide tools that   present  to  the  geophysical
            Exploration" was the counter      inform  and  educate,  not  resort  to   industry.
            perspective    of     Oceana's    speculation."
            presentation.     Van   Liew's
            presentation focused on dispelling   The Belize government halted a
            misinformation propagated by      seismic survey in October 2016 in
            anti-oil and gas interests and    response to an effort by a coalition of
            promoted   science-based  and     anti-oil  and  gas  environmental
            data-driven decision-making.      organizations. The goal of the
                                              environmental groups is to have the
            In addition to IAGC's speaker     government ban any future oil and
            participation, the IAGC was also   gas exploration and development.
            one of the Silver General Sponsors
            of the event.  This is the second
            year that the IAGC has been
            invited to take part in the program
            as a speaker and is invited to present
            at the November 2017 annual event.

           IAGC Holds Gulf of Mexico Permitting Workshop

                   n 6 June 2017, the IAGC and API held a joint GOM permitting
                   workshop to provide members an update on the status of
           Opermitting issues in the GOM and to discuss issues contractors
           face in permitting.

           Barry Obiol and staff from BOEM held a panel session on regulatory
           status review in the Gulf of Mexico and also fielded questions on the new
           updates regarding the Atlantic OCS.  Ryan Steen from Stoel Rives
           provided a regulatory review of  the National Environmental Policy Act
           (NEPA), MMPA, & ESA as well as updates on permitting of G&G
           activities in the GOM.

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