Page 35 - IAGC The Voice 2017
P. 35

IAGC Sponsors and Presents
       at Brazilian Geophysical
       Society & Expo

          n August 2017, IAGC Consultant
          Andreia Leåo Owens presented "The
       IImportance     of   Geophysics    to
       Sustainable  Development,"    during  the
       15th International Congress of the
       Brazilian Geophysical Society & Expo.
       The workshop highlighted the efforts of
       the IAGC in Brazil and emphasized the
       importance of the government, academia,
       and industry all working together for a
       common goal.

       The meeting was attended by the Brazilian
       government, academia, and the industry.
       During the presentation, government and
       academia made commitments to develop
       and support tools for the industry use,
       which will aid in ensuring our members
       continued freedom to operate in Brazil.    NIKKI MARTIN PANELIST AT ALASKA OIL
       Some of the commitments made include:
       •   Agência Nacional do Petróleo (ANP)           AND GAS ANNUAL CONFERENCE
          Director, Felipe Kury:  offer to host
          the  IAGC  environmental  database
          and to work to release funds for
          research on environmental projects;         resident Martin presented     and     challenges   in    their
       •   Federal University of Rio Grande Vice      as  a  panelist  at  the  AOGA   communications  efforts  to  inform
          Dean,  Danilo  Giroldo:  provide       PAnnual Conference in May          Americans about the value and
          support to research projects with      2017.  The panel entitled, "Power   contributions  of  the  oil  and  gas
          expertise and resources; and           Past Impossible and Crude          industries to the nation and world.
       •   Coastal Management/MMA, Regis         Awakenings: Repositioning Oil      The    session   also   explored
          Pinto Lima: further discussion about   and Gas in the Marketplace of      approaches  and  messages  the
          the possibility of having different    Ideas" was titled for the various   respective  organizations   are
          permitting for operations in the       public awareness and education     delivering  to    citizens  and
          Economic Exclusive Zone (EEZ)          campaigns    of   the   invited    policymakers and how Alaskans
          following  the  example  of  the  Baltic   organizations.                 can support and amplify these
          Sea and the trend in the European                                         efforts.
          Union to have a spatial permitting     In  her   presentation,  Martin
          instead of sectorial.                  emphasized the  IAGC's  efforts  to   Other panelists included Linda
                                                 promote     the    technological   Rozett from API and Matt
       Another positive outcome of the workshop   innovations of the geophysical    Letourneau from the Institute of
       was Jorge Camargo, Petroleum Brazilian    industry and partner with other    21st Century Energy.
       Institute (IBP) President, emphasizing the   industry trade associations to
       importance of the ANP Bid  Round          educate on the continuum of energy
       calendar and the opportunity to plan the   production and cross-promote
       environmental   permitting    process,    environmental       stewardship
       including releasing pre-permits or Terms of   campaigns. She also discussed the
       Reference during the Bid Rounds.          IAGC's    Crude     Awakenings
                                                 Campaign and the Ghost Net
       IAGC's Brazil Committee is working on     Initiative.
       industry's behalf to follow up on the
       commitments made during the conference.    Panelists explored the opportunities

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