Page 40 - IAGC The Voice 2017
P. 40

IAGC AND OOC WORK AS                    IAGC Touts U.S.
           COLLABORATING TRADE                     Accomplishments
                  ASSOCIATIONS                     at OOC Meeting

            T     he IAGC is proud to announce    Iat the OOC's 2017 Summer
                                                     AGC's Nikki Martin and
                                                     Dustin Van Liew presented
            with OOC, the oil and gas              General Meeting on 27 June in
                                                   Houston, TX. Their presentation
            industry's principal representative    discussed the IAGC's efforts in
            regarding regulation of offshore       opening the Atlantic OCS to
            exploration,  development,    and      renewed exploration activity,
            producing operations in the Gulf of    ensuring continued geophysical   Images from the Offshore Operators Committee's
            Mexico. The Committee conducts         survey activity in the Gulf of    2017 Summer General Meeting in Houston, TX.
            a cooperative effort to monitor and    Mexico, reversing the previous
            engage on laws, rules and regulations   withdrawals of leasing acreage
            adopted or being considered by         in the Arctic and Atlantic,
            the various governmental entities      supporting development of a
            with jurisdiction over matters         new five-year lease plan, and
            affecting the offshore petroleum       other important issues.
            industry. It also conducts studies     The presentation also highlighted
            and investigations in oceanographic    the important implications for
            studies and other matters commonly     the future of the oil and gas
            affecting offshore operations.         industry in  North  America as
                                                   well as the impact of the U.S.
            The IAGC looks forward to working      Government's prioritizing the
            more closely with OOC on issues        value of the geophysical industry
            affecting the U.S. Gulf of Mexico.     in its energy policies.

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