Page 44 - IAGC The Voice 2017
P. 44

         AT THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL                           he IAGC’s Dr. Bob        article, intended for a general
            SYMPOSIUM ON ACOUSTIC                           Gisiner  published  an   technical audience, also looks at
      COMMUNICATION BY ANIMALS                        Tarticle in the Winter 2016    sound propagation and how the
                                                      edition of  Acoustics Today.
                                                                                     evolution of computer technology
                                                      The article, entitled "Sound   has transformed the industry.
                      he    IAGC's   Dr.   Bob        and Marine Seismic Surveys,"
                      Gisiner gave an invited         outlines the extensive history   In his words, Dr. Gisiner is seeking
                Tpresentation in July at the          of the use of seismic technology   to "...provide scientists, regulatory
                 4th International Symposium          in oil and gas exploration     agencies, and the concerned public
                 on   Acoustic  Communication         around    the   world   and    with a better understanding of the
                 by Animals in Omaha, NE. The         examines seismic source arrays   technology and its uses to inform
                 presentation was on his personal     and how they are used. The     decisions about a technology that
                 career experiences in developing                                    has   substantial  environmental,
                 scientific knowledge for improved                                   economic, and energy policy
                 environmental compliance policies                                   implications."
                 and practices related to the
                 effects of manmade sound on the
                 A group discussion of priority
                 concerns about environmental
                 noise  and   scientific  needs
                 followed, as Dr. Gisiner continues
                 to further the best available
                 science for use in our industry.

                 The IAGC's participation in these
                 and other scientific conferences
                 enables the Association to
                 continue to serve as a credible
                 and expert scientific voice for the

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