Page 46 - IAGC The Voice 2017
P. 46


                          ZOOPLANKTON STUDY

         O       n 22 June 2017, the IAGC     The IAGC's statement issued          consistent results that can be

                                                                                   replicated and verified by other
                                              shortly after the paper's release
                 regarding the publication
                                              interesting, we are troubled by the
                                                                                   best traditions of science.
         of research on the interaction of    states, "While we found the study    independent researchers, in the
         seismic surveys and zooplankton      small sample sizes, the large day-
         which asserts the surveys kill       to-day variability in both the       The statement concluded by saying,
         zooplankton. According to Robert     baseline and experimental data,      "While we remain open to all
         McCauley, Ryan Day, Kerrie           and the large number of speculative   emerging     new       scientific
         Swadling,  Quinn  Fitzgibbon,  Reg   conclusions      that     appear     information, after more than 50
         Watson and Jayson Semmens'           inconsistent with the data collected   years  of  continuous  seismic
         paper, "Widely used marine seismic   over a two-day period. Both          surveying around the world,
         survey    air   gun    operations    statistically and methodologically,   including  extensive  operations  in
         negatively impact zooplankton"       this project falls short of what     the Gulf of Mexico, and over a
         which was published in the Journal   would be needed to provide a         decade of intense scrutiny by
         Nature Ecology & Evolution, their    convincing case for adverse effects   hundreds of scientists, there is still
         research presents "…evidence that    from      geophysical     survey     no scientific evidence that sound
         suggests  seismic  surveys  cause    operations."                         from seismic operations has
         significant     mortality      to                                         negative population impacts on
         zooplankton populations."            The statement went on to say that    marine life."
                                              although the initial report is peer-
                                              reviewed, it has not been widely
                                              accepted by the expert scientific
                                              community. We look forward to
                                              discussing this topic  further with
                                              other experts in this field to
                                              determine  the best path toward
                                              more scientifically solid and
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