Page 43 - IAGC The Voice 2017
P. 43
IAGC's Gisiner &
COmpton Present at
IAGC EAME Consultant Ross Compton presents keynote
address at OceaNoise2017.
r. Bob Gisiner, IAGC's Director of Marine Environment and Biology,
gave two invited talks at the OceaNoise2017 Conference in Barcelona,
DSpain in May. In his talk on the industry's priorities for metrics
and standards, Dr. Gisiner discussed the important contributions to the
standards of practice for health and safety that have been established for the
industry, which include IAGC's Joint Position Paper on Sound and Marine
Life and Recommended Mitigation Practices, PSO and PAM guidance, and
work with the International Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) and the Sound and
Marine Life Joint Industry Program (SML JIP).
Dr. Gisiner’s second talk addressed the variety of models that have been
developed for assessing the potential effects of sound on marine life and the
options for addressing uncertainties regarding unrealistic model outcomes.
He provided some options for increasing model realism and discussed the
implications for improved tracking of sources of uncertainty. Dr. Gisiner
also presented on mitigation and monitoring developments.
IAGC EAME consultant Ross Compton presented the Invited Keynote
Presentation for OceaNoise2017. Compton's presentation, "The
Environmental Aspects of Acoustic Geophysical Surveys: An Industry
Perspective," discussed how the geophysical industry remains committed
to the independent scientific investigation of this issue and to mitigating
environmental risks when such risks are supported by reasonable evidence.
Compton reviewed some of the physics and practices of marine geophysical
operations and discussed the complex sound sources used in geophysical
OceaNoise is a biennial conference that brings together international leading
experts in noise measurement, modeling and mapping, marine ecosystems
physiological and behavioral effects as well as regulation and mitigation
procedures. It also works to foster a dynamic exchange of the latest findings
in the field of ocean sound to assist in providing ocean users with the best
scientific knowledge and technical solutions to address operational and
environmental issues.