Page 45 - IAGC The Voice 2017
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RESEARCH ON AQUATIC SOUND Participates at 2017
Deep Offshore West
AGC's Dr. Bob Gisiner for PAM data. He also participated Africa Congress
participated in the 173rd in an informal working group
IMeeting of The Acoustical developing ideas for advancing ick Trantor with IAGC
Society of America in Boston, research on the biology of the particle N Governing Member TGS
Massachusetts on 25-29 June. motion component of sound. presented at the Deep
He participated in many ways, Offshore West Africa Congress in
including attending a meeting of The IAGC is proud of Dr. Gisiner's Accra, Ghana 14-15 September. The
the Editorial Board for the special great work in furthering scientific IAGC has established a relationship
issue of Proceedings of Marine study in aquatic noise and with SZW which allows our members
Acoustics (POMA), and working as developing standards for PAM data to present at major non-U.S. oil
an editor for the papers presented and supports his efforts to develop and gas conferences and to interact
at the Aquatic Noise Conference ideas for advancing research in directly with oil and gas ministry
in Dublin, Ireland in July 2016. these fields, allowing scientific data officials.
to lead the conversation on the
Dr. Gisiner also gave an invited effects of sound and marine life. The Congress provided local
presentation at a special session and international industrial
honoring fish acoustics researchers representatives with a high-level
Art Popper and Tony Hawkins platform to discuss how to improve
(pictured right), whose careers business certainty, establish more
have made invaluable contributions effective oil and gas regulatory
to the fields fish hearing and frameworks, and expedite the
marine bio-acoustics. Gisiner cooperation among the countries,
is also a member of the working which include Ghana, Nigeria, Angola,
group developing national and Gabon, Senegal, Côte d'Ivoire, Liberia,
international Metadata Standards Congo and Equatorial Guinea.
AGC's Gail Adams-Jackson has assumed the position of Chairwoman
of the E&P SAML JIP Communications Committee. The IAGC is
IAGC Takes Ione of the founding members of this joint industry initiative which
Leadership Role identifies and funds research to improve understanding of the potential
impact of E&P sound on marine life.
in Key Sound
and Marine The Committee is responsible for guiding key messaging regarding
Life Research research findings, participation in relevant conferences and workshops,
and media briefings. This is just one more way your Association is
Industry working to communicate sound science and accurate information to
Programme stakeholders and decision-makers around the world, which can impact
your license to operate.
The SAML JIP was set up in 2005 under the auspices of the IOGP along
with the IAGC. Other members of the SAML JIP include BHPBilliton,
BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Eni, ExxonMobil, Shell, BG Group,
Statoil, Woodside, Total and Santos. It provides research dollars for
independent peer-reviewed research for sound source characterization
and propagation, physical and physiological effects and hearing,
behavioural reactions & biological significant effects, mitigation
and monitoring, and research tools. The SAML JIP also produces
project reports, peer-reviewed publications, and factsheets to educate
governments and stakeholders.