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P. 104

mailxmail - Cursos para compartir lo que sabes

            (tel mi de trud)           (dime la verdad a mí)
            (dime la verdad)

            Nota: con las acciones "say, speak, talk, listen, etc., No se puede aplicar la regla
            anterior, es decir, con estas acciones siempre van con "to" antes de "la persona del
            Podemos decir:
             I want to say the secret to you.
            (ai want tu sei de sicret tu iu)
            (yo quiero decir el secreto a ti)

            Pero no se puede decir:

            I want to say you the secret.
            Podemos decir:

            listen to me (lisent tu mi) (escuchen a mí).

            Pero no se dice:

            listen me.
            Hay otras acciones que a fuerza necesitan ir acompañadas de una preposición
            especifica, por ejemplo:

            Look at (luk at) (mirar a).
            Depend on (depend on) (depende de).
            Smile at (smail at) (sonrreir a).
            Worry about (wowri abaut) (preocuparse de).
            Y muchas otras mas que se verán mas adelante en el tema "acciones y

            Intermediate 1 english practice, unit 5, "object pronouns".

            Substitute what it is underlined with the appropriate "subject or object pronoun":
            Janet always loves her boyfriend.
              she                                  him

            1) Tom and John frequently work for the same boss.
            2) Carla usually meets her friends at vips.
            3) You and Robert are going to do exercise in the gym.
            4) You and I donot like to play the guitar.
            5) When are Steve and Jorge going to write you and me?.
            6) Please tell Peter and her sister about the new job.
            7) Your parents want my parents and me to tell them the secret.
            8) All of your brothers are coming with my friend and me.
            9) Let´s go for that!.
            10) Donot make that bad thing happens again!.
            11) Let me tell those stupid boys the truth about that.
            12) I am going to make the girl listens the song.
            13) They want Joel to go with him and me.

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