Page 116 - Ambrosia Cookbook
P. 116

COCONUT VANILLA                                                                                                            GOLDEN

                ICED COFFEE                                                                                                                COCONUT MILK

                INGREDIENTS                                       INSTRUCTIONS                                                             INGREDIENTS                                        INSTRUCTIONS

                1 Cup - ambrosia coconut Milk High fat            in a mixing bowl, combine coconut milk,                                  1 1/2 Cup - ambrosia coconut Milk High fat         combine all ingredients in a two-quart saucepot
                1/2 Cup - sweetened condensed Milk                condensed milk, vanilla, and cinnamon. Whisk                             1 1/2 Cup - Whole Milk                             over medium heat.
                1 Teaspoon - ambrosia Vanilla extract             together until fully combined, making a creamer.                         1/4 Cup - ambrosia Maple syrup Medium amber
                1/2 Teaspoon - cinnamon Ground                                                                                             1 1/2 Teaspoon - turmeric Ground                   Bring to a gentle simmer and hold for about five
                As Needed - cold strong Black coffee              in a shaker bottle with ice, combine 8oz of cold                         1/4 Teaspoon - Ginger Ground                       minutes, whisking gently as it cooks.
                Optional - Whipped cream                          coffee with two oz. of creamer. strain over a                            1/4 Teaspoon - cardamom Ground                     strain cooked golden milk through a fine mesh
                                                                  glass filled with ice.
                                                                                                                                           1/4 Teaspoon - cinnamon Ground                     sieve and serve hot in a mug with a cinnamon
                                                                  if desired, garnish with a dollop of whipped                             Pinch - Black Pepper Ground                        stick for garnish.
                                                                  cream and a dusting of cinnamon.
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