Page 58 - ETP-April-May2020
P. 58
Injection moulding with 3D printing
igus expands its 3D printing service for injection moulding with printed tools
for fast production of maintenance-free special parts
ear-resistant parts are small batches. This gives the
Wused wherever there is customer the opportunity to
friction between two surfaces. obtain identical components
For this reason, designers in in batches at an early stage of
many industrial sectors rely development.
on 55 long-lasting, lubrica-
tion-free, high-performance Wear-resistant com-
polymers from igus. To help ponents requested
users quickly get their special online
solution made of a suitable The way to a lubrication-free
material, igus has now inte- and maintenance-free special
grated the Print2Mould pro- solution is very simple: call
cess in its online 3D printing up the 3D printing service
service. With a printed tool, | igus expands its 3D printing service with the Print2Mould process at
the component is manufac- using printed injection moulding tools. The user can now order their signer, upload the STEP file
tured by injection moulding. wear-resistant special part online in the appropriate lubrication-free and of the component and select
maintenance-free iglidur material. (Source: igus GmbH)
To do this, the user simply the appropriate material. In
uploads the STEP file of the wear-
resistant part into the 3D printing
service, selects the material and re- THE PRODUCTION OF SPECIAL PARTS BY THIS
quests a quotation. Specifications on PROCESS IS CHARACTERISED ABOVE ALL AS
the material properties as well as the A TIME-SAVING SOLUTION FOR PROTOTYPE
precision, flexural strength and the DEVELOPMENT AND FOR SMALL BATCHES. THIS
price help with the choice. GIVES THE CUSTOMER THE OPPORTUNITY TO
55 iglidur high-performance poly- OBTAIN IDENTICAL COMPONENTS IN BATCHES AT
mers: If customers are looking for AN EARLY STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT.
a wear-resistant plain bearing, they
can choose from a large selection of
igus materials. However, if custom- chine. The main advantage: the user addition to the 55 iglidur materials
ised wear-resistant parts are required can freely use the iglidur material used in the Print2Mould process, the
- from gears up to special bushings range with its 55 lubrication-free, customer also has the opportunity
- in any special shape, the user can high-performance polymers. These to get their special solution printed
either machine the component from include, the FDA-compliant materi- cost-effectively in the SLS process
a suitable iglidur bar stock or use als iglidur A350 and A181 for use in with the wear-resistant materials ig-
igus’ 3D printing for more complex the food industry, iglidur L500 for lidur I3 or iglidur I6 or even in the
geometries. For the individual com- the automotive sector, and iglidur X FDM process with iglidur filaments.
The Economic Times POLYMERS | April-May 2020
ponent to be made from the ideal for high-temperature applications. The price for production, including
iglidur material for the respective igus has now integrated the Print- the costs for the injection moulding
application, igus offers the Print- 2Mould process in online 3D print- tool as well as information about
2Mould process. In this process an ing service. The production of special the material, precision and flexural
injection moulding tool is printed parts by this process is characterised strength are shown online. After se-
for the special solution and is then above all as a time-saving solution lecting the appropriate high-perfor-
used in the injection moulding ma- for prototype development and for mance polymer, the user can enter
the quantity and directly request a
quotation from igus. The injection-
IF CUSTOMISED WEAR-RESISTANT PARTS ARE moulded special solutions are deliv-
REQUIRED - FROM GEARS UP TO SPECIAL ered after 10 working days.
CAN EITHER MACHINE THE COMPONENT FROM For more information, contact:
A SUITABLE IGLIDUR BAR STOCK OR USE IGUS’ 3D Nitin Prakash, Product Manager, iglidur®,
Email:, or visit